Advanced Restore Options (Storage Paths)


Use this dialog box to redirect storage groups.

DB2 storage groups are a set of disk volumes that you can use for automatic databases, table spaces and indexes. You can use storage groups with DB2 databases that are version 10.1 or later. You configure and manage the storage groups on DB2. When you perform a restore operation on an automatic database or a mixed database, the Commvault software presents the storage group information.


The Commvault software makes this tab available when you have configured DB2 storage groups and are restoring an automatic or mixed DB2 database.

Redirect storage groups

Select this check box to have the Commvault software redirect the DB2 data to the storage group that you specify.

Storage groups

Lists the administered DB2 storage groups for the database. Click the storage group to select it.


Specify the storage group directory where the software redirects the data.

Use Add, or Edit to specify the directory on the DB2 storage group.


Specify a new path on the DB2 storage group. Type the full path, or use Browse to specify the path.


Modify an existing path on the DB2 storage group. Type the full path, or use Browse to specify the path.


Delete the storage group path.

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