Backup Set Property (VM Filters)

Use this dialog box to add or edit filters for a backup set. Filters are criteria to exclude virtual machines from backups.

VM Filters

Use this area to define criteria for filtering virtual machines from the backup set. When you perform a backup of any subclient in the backup set, virtual machines satisfying the specified criteria are automatically excluded from the backup.

This area displays the list of all defined filters.


Click this button to open the Browse dialog, which provides hierarchical views of hosts, data centers, storage domains, clusters, and virtual machines.

Use the Browse dialog to browse and select one or more objects or virtual machines. You can select a view from the list at the top left to browse using different criteria

When you select an object, all child objects are automatically filtered from the backup.


Click this button to open the Add Filters dialog, which defines filters to exclude virtual machines based on specific criteria.

You can define the following types of filters:

  • VM Name/ Pattern: Select this option to filter virtual machines based on a virtual machine name pattern. For example, to filter all virtual machines that have a name starting with "Test", select this option and enter Test* in the available box.

  • Host: Select this option to filter all virtual machines from a specific host. Enter the host name or IP address in the text box.

    When you filter a host, all child objects of the host are automatically filtered.

  • Guest OS: Select this option to filter all virtual machines that have operating systems from a specific OS group. For example, you can enter Microsoft* to filter any virtual machine that has a version of the Windows operating system, *windows2012r2 to filter Windows 2012 R2 machines, or *linux* to filter all Linux machines.

  • Guest DNS Hostname: Select this option to filter all virtual machines based on a hostname pattern. For example, to filter all virtual machines that have a hostname ending with "", select this option and enter * in the text box.

  • Power State: Select one of the following options to identify virtual machines:

    • Powered On - VMs that are powered on.

    • Powered Off - VMs that are powered off.

    • Other - VMs with a different power on status, such as Pause or Saved.

  • Tag: (Only for RHEV 4.0 or later) Enter a tag that is defined in RHEV-M that has been applied to virtual machines or hosts.


Select a VM filter entry and click Edit to modify the filter.


Select a VM filter and click Delete to remove the filter from the backup set.
