Changing the Settings for a Node in an HAC Cluster



Index Server cloud is deprecated. For more information, see Deprecation Notice for Index Server Cloud.

For comprehensive information about deprecated products and features, see End-of-Life, Deprecated, and Extended Support - Obsolescence Policy.

The HAC cluster is a group of High Availability Computing nodes. High Availability Computing nodes are clients where the High Availability Computing package is installed. The High Availability Computing nodes coordinate the operations of individual Index Server nodes in an Index Server cloud.

Each node on the HAC cluster uses network ports to communicate with other nodes in the HAC cluster. You can change the ports used by the High Availability Computing package service from the HAC cluster properties.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes you have already created an HAC cluster in your CommCell environment. If you have not, see Creating an HAC Cluster for Index Server Cloud.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computer Groups > HAC Cluster.

  2. Right-click the HAC cluster name, and then click Properties.

  3. Configure the node you need to change as follows:

    1. Under Nodes, select the client you want to configure, and then click the Edit button.

    2. In the Properties dialog box, change the values of the ports to suit your needs.

    3. Click OK.

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