Configuring Client Registration Rules Using Client Name for Multi-CommCell Routing


You must define the registration rules that clients must follow during the installation. Registration rules consists of CommCell properties that you want clients to have. For example, you can define a registration rule to associate clients with CommServe A, client group B, and storage policy C.

When end-users install the laptop package on their clients, the package uses the registration rules that you configured.

As part of this configuration, you will need to obtain and set up the following workflows:

  • AutoRegisterClientSavePatterns: Saves the client registration rules in the master CommServe database. This workflow must be run manually.


    The AutoRegisterClientSavePatterns workflow overwrites any existing client registration rules configured on your CommCell environment.

  • AutoRegisterClient: Applies the registration rules on each computer where the laptop package is installed. This workflow runs automatically every time the package is installed on a computer.

Before You Begin

The laptop package must be created and configured to support multi-CommCell routing. For instructions, see Creating a Laptop Backup Installation Package.


  1. On the computer where the Workflow Engine is installed (preferably on the master CommServe computer), create a text file with the client registration rules. Use the following format to define each rule:

    wildcard, CommServe_hostname, storage_policy, client_group, subclient_policy


    • For wildcards, you must specify a period (.) before an asterisk (*).

    • If you do not plan to associate clients with a storage policy, client group, or subclient policy, specify double quotes ("") for blank entries.

    For example:

    • In the following rule, every client name that starts with AUS is associated with the Pacific CommServe computer and with the Australia client group.


    • In the following rule, every client name that ends in 12 is associated with the ABC CommServe computer, with CG client group, and with SP subclient policy.



      If a client name matches the pattern in multiple rules, the client is registered based on the first rule that matches. For example, if you have rules with patterns laptop1* and laptop100*, a client with name laptop1000 matches the pattern on both the rules, but is registered based on the first rule, laptop1*.

  2. Obtain the workflows required for multi-CommCell routing and get them ready in your CommCell environment.

    1. Download the following workflows from Commvault Store:

    2. Import the workflows to the master CommServe, and then deploy the workflows. For instructions, see Importing a Workflow and Deploying a Workflow.

  3. Save the client registration rules in the master CommServe database by running the AutoRegisterClientSavePatterns workflow as follows:

    1. Open the CommCell Console and then connect to the master CommServe.

    2. From the CommCell Browser, go to Workflows.

    3. Right-click AutoRegisterClientSavePatterns and then click All Tasks > Execute.

    4. In the AutoRegisterClientSavePatterns Options dialog box, in the patternFilePath box, specify the path to the text file where you defined the client registration rules, and then click OK.

      You can track the progress of the workflow job from the Job Controller.

What to Do Next

Distribute the laptop package to your end-users or use a third-party software to install the package on a group of clients.

When the package is installed on a client, the AutoRegisterClient workflow runs automatically and registers the client with its respective CommServe computer.

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