Configuring Password Aging for Users


The Password Aging feature enables the user to configure the number of days for which the password remains valid after which the user is prompted to enter a new password for their account.


If password aging feature is configured for a user at all levels; CommCell environment, company, user group, and user level, then the password is expired based on the setting with the least number of days. For example, if user1 has the password aging duration set to 100 days, while the company to which user1 belongs has the password aging duration set to 15 days, then the password for user1 expires after 15 days.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Security > CommCell Users.

  2. Right-click the user, and then click Properties.

    The User Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, select the Age Password in n Days check box, and then type or select the number of days for which the password remains valid.

  4. Click OK.

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