Configuring Policy Based Oracle RAC


In an Oracle RAC policy based configuration, the resources run in a shared infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of a server stack that is logically split into groups that are referred to as server pools. Each pool can contain one or more servers. In this configuration, instances run a respective node. The policy based Oracle RAC Cluster configuration detects when an instanced cannot be restarted on the same node due to a fault or failure and automatically relocates the instance to another node in the same server pool.

You can use this configuration when you need automated instance relocation without any downtime or manual intervention.


You must use unique instance names for the instances on the original and relocation nodes.

See Creating a RAC Client for more information.

The RAC one nodes can have multiple ways of running the instances. Consider the following:

1st - Node 1 running instance_1

2nd - Node 1 running instance_2

3rd - Node 2 running instance_3

4th -No running instances

When you configure a RAC Policy based database in Commvault, you must configure unique instances, by associating the instances with physical clients. Commvault automatically detects the instances relocation and connects the available instance.

Example of Instance and Client Combination

1st - Node 1 running instance_1

2nd - Node 1 running instance_2

3rd - Down for maintenance

4th - Node 4 running instance_3 that was relocated from the 3rd node


The RAC database name is "testracdb".

The instances are "testracdb_1" and "testracdb_2", "testracdb3", and "testracdb_4".

If Node 1 is active, the instance "testracdb_1" runs on Node 1. If the instance is relocated to Node 2 due to a failure or abnormal termination, then the instance "testracdb_1" runs on Node 2.

Another option is to have Node 2 running "testracdb_2". If Node 2 fails to start "testracdb_2", it is relocated to Node 1. In this case, Node 1 runs "testracdb_2".

The Commvault software supports the above configurations. In the CommCell Console, configure "testracdb_1" under Node 1 and "testracdb_2" under Node 2.

By default, when you discover or create an Oracle instance, the Commvault software automatically creates a default data subclient and a default archive log subclient.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers > RAC_Client.

  2. Right-click the instance and click Properties.

    The Instance Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the Details tab, click Add.

    The Add Instance dialog box is displayed.

  4. In the Instance Physical Client list, select the Instance physical client name.

  5. In the Instance (ORACLE SID) box, type the Instance name as testracdb_1 for Instance_1. Type the Instance name as testracdb_2 for Instance_2

  6. In the Database Name box, type the name of the Oracle RAC database (testracdb) to which you are assigning this client.

  7. In the Connect String box, type the Scan Connect String (SYS login).

    Best Practice: Use the scan host name in the connect string because the backup process requires a pre-identified node for backup resource reservation.


    Node 1 Connect String: sys/ password@scan-hostname:port/servicename

    Node 2 Connect String: sys/ password@ scan-hostname:port/servicename

    You must use Oracle EZCONNECT with the scan hostname to configure the RAC Policy Based multi node environment.

    Click OK to close the warning dialog box.

  8. In the Oracle Home box, type the Oracle installed path or click Browse to select the location.

  9. In the TNS_ADMIN Folder box, type the TNS ADMIN folder name or click Browse to select the location.

  10. Click the Storage Device tab. in the Storage Policy used for user command backup of data box, select a storage policy.

  11. Click the Log Backup tab. in the Storage Policy used for all Archive Log backups box, select a storage policy name.

  12. Click OK.

See Can you restore from a RAC One Node in a multiple node configuration for important considerations that you must follow when you restore from a RAC One Node.


Use the for Restore option when you perform a restore.