Configuring the Web Console


You must configure the Web Console.


  1. Use the following steps to specify that the external user group to which the user belongs has Group Scope defined as Global on the Active Directory domain:

    1. From the Windows Start menu, expand Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.

    2. Right-click the external group, and then click Properties.

    3. Under Group Scope, select Global.

    4. Click OK.

  2. From the CommCell Browser, expand Security > Domains > domain_name.

  3. Right-click External Groups, and then click Add New Group.

    The Add New External Group dialog box appears.

  4. Click Browse.

    The Select an External Group dialog box appears.

  5. Select the external user group to which the user belongs, and then click OK.

    The group name that you selected appears in the Select an External Group box.

  6. To create a security association for the appropriate level of access, on the Associated Entities tab, click Add.

    • To grant external users full access, select the CommCell entity and the Master role.

    • To limit external user access, select one of the following options:

      • A role with permissions that matches the type of user.

        User Type

        Permissions Needed

        End Users

        • End User Access

        Compliance Search Users

        • Browse

        • Compliance Search

        • In Place Recovery (to restore data)

      • Client computers that users are allowed to browse.


        Select the entities at either the client level or the backup set level. Subclient-level browsing restrictions are not supported for the Web Console.

    For instructions, see Administering the Security Associations of a User Group.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click OK to close the Add New External Group dialog box.

Note: For end user access, the end user must log out of Web Console and log back in after the permissions have been set by the administrator.

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