Creating a CLARiiON Host Database File


On the client computer or on the proxy computer, create a host database file that contains the host name or the IP address of each targeted array.

Before You Begin

To create the host database file, you must have a user account on the storage array with the following roles:


User account


You must have one of the following roles:

  • SAN Administrator

  • Storage Administrator

  • Administrator: This role has higher privileges than the SAN Administrator role and the Storage Administrator role.


You must have one of the following roles:

  • Manager

  • Administrator: This role has higher privileges than the SAN Administrator role and the Storage Administrator role.


  • On the computer where you installed other Dell EMC software, create a .txt file with the format for the host database file.

The host database file format is one array per line, and each line contains all IP addresses for the array, separated by a single space. For example:

<SPa IP address of array1> <SPb IP address of array1>

<SPa IP address of array2> <SPb IP address or array2>

where SP is a storage processor.

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