Creating a Data Domain Boost Access Library

You can create a Data Domain Boost Access Library using the following procedure:


  1. From the CommCell browser, expand Storage Resources.

  2. Right-click Libraries, and then click Add > Disk Library > Data Domain Boost Library.

    The Add Data Domain Boost Storage dialog box appears.

  3. From the Type list, select DD Boost Access.

  4. In the Name box, type a name for the library.

  5. Select the appropriate MediaAgent from the MediaAgent list.

  6. In the Data Domain host box, type the IP address associated with the Data Domain library.

    In case of Fibre Channel, add the DFC Server Name.

  7. From the Credentials list, choose a pre-defined credential.

  8. Optionally, click Create New to create new credential to access the Data Domain library.

  9. In the Storage unit box, type the name of the storage unit provided in the Data Domain Console.

  10. Click Save.

    The new Data Domain Boost Storage Library appears under Libraries.

  11. Create a deduplication storage pool and storage policy.

    For more information, see Configuring a Disk Network Storage Pool With Global Storage.
