Creating a Subclient with NFS Exports as Content

Applies To: Content paths that begin with the file server interface

When you add content to a subclient, the backup and restore operations can automatically mount the appropriate NFS export if the content path uses the following format: file_server_interface:/NFS_export_path. The file server interface can be the host name or the IP address. To add content to the default subclient or to additional subclients, you can browse for content or you can manually add content.

If the content of subclients overlap, then the backup of each share is done individually.

You can configure data access nodes as backup nodes for the network share subclient. The backup operation runs on the selected nodes. You can set data access nodes at the agent level or at the subclient level. The nodes set at the subclient level take precedence.

Before You Begin


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Linux File System.

  2. Right-click the backup set, point to All Tasks, and then click New Subclient.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box appears.

  3. In the Subclient Name box, type a name for the new subclient.

  4. On the Content tab, add the paths to the content you want to back up:

    Option to add a path


    Browse and select the NFS exports available on the file server

    1. Click Browse.

      The Browse Configuration dialog box appears.

    2. In the File Server Interface box, review the default value (the client host).

      You can update the default value to an NFS interface on the file server.

    3. From the Proxy list, click the proxy to use to browse for the exports.

    4. Click OK.

      The Browsing contents dialog appears.

    5. Click the NFS export that you want to back up, and then click Add.

    Manually add a path

    1. Click Add Paths.

      The Add Multiple Contents dialog box appears.

    2. Type the following command:



      • file_server_interface is the NFS interface from the file server used when the NFS export is automatically mounted. The file server interface can be the host name or the IP address.

      • NFS_export_path is the path to the NFS export.

        You can include wildcards to define the subclient content. For example, to back up all export paths that start with Dep on your file server Server1, enter Server1:/Dep*. To back up all export paths from Dep1 to Dep10, enter Server1:/Dep[1-10]. For information about supported wildcards, see Wildcards for the UNIX/Linux File System Agent.

        Leaf-level wildcards are not supported. You cannot include wildcard content under the share. For example, if /Dep1 contains folder1-folder5. Adding content by specifying server1:/Dep1/folder[1-5] does not expand the content to folder1-folder5.

        Mid-level wildcards are supported only for directories. For example, if /Dep1 contains folder1-folder5. Adding content by specifying Server1:/Dep1/folder*/confidential will expand folder1-folder5, and then back up the confidential directory under each folder.

        You can exclude files or folders with specific extensions. For example, to exclude files or folders with .git extension, enter file_server_interface:/NFS_export_path/**/*.git.

  5. On the Storage Device tab, in the Storage Policy list, click a storage policy name to associate with the subclient.


    To create a new storage policy, click Create Storage Policy, and then follow the instructions in the storage policy creation wizard.

  6. On the Data Access Nodes tab, under Available Data Access Nodes, select the data access nodes that will participate in the backup operation, and then click Add.


    • You can select a client or a client group (that contains Linux clients) from the available nodes list.

    • All the participating backup nodes must be at the same service pack level.

  7. On the Performance tab, select the Allow multiple readers within a drive or mount point check box, and then increase the number of data readers as needed based on the number of data access nodes added.

  8. On the Advanced Options tab, select the Reconcile Backup check box.

  9. Click OK.

Setting Options for a Subclient with Auto-mount Contents

Modifying the Default Subclient for NFS Exports
