Deploying an Azure VM from Azure Marketplace


From Azure Marketplace, you can deploy a Windows or Linux Azure VM from the Commvault Cloud Access Node BYOL image to function as an access node (also called proxy).

The deployed access nodes contain all the components that are required for the Commvault software to perform data protection operations for VMs, PostgreSQL databases, and MySQL databases.

The deployed access nodes can function as the following:

  • An access node for Virtualization (VSA) workloads

  • A MediaAgent that can connect to the CommServe host

  • For Linux access nodes, a File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL)


For replication of VMs to Azure, you must use a Windows access node for the Azure recovery target.

Configure a Linux Client for the Cloud VM or the Instance with the VSA Installed

Unless your infrastructure is in the same location as the VM you deploy from the Azure Marketplace, you must configure a Commvault firewall connection between the on-premises components and the cloud VM or instance.

  1. In the CommCell Console, configure a Linux client for the cloud VM or the instance with the VSA installed:

    1. Right-click Client Computers, and then select New Client > File System > Unix/Linux.

    2. In the Client Name box, enter a name for the access node.

    3. In the Host Name box, enter the host name or IP address for the access node.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Verify the client information, and then click Finish.

  2. Configure network route settings on the client for the CommServe host:

    1. Right-click the CommServe node, and then select Properties.

    2. On the Network Route Configuration tab, select Configure Network Route Settings.

    3. On the Incoming Connections subtab, click Add to add the access node client connection.

    4. From the From list, select the access node.

    5. From the State list, select BLOCKED.

    6. Click OK.

  3. Configure network route settings on the client for the access node:

    1. Under Client Computers, right-click the client for the access node, and then select Properties.

    2. Click Network.

    3. Click the Network Route Configuration tab.

    4. On the Incoming Connections tab, click Add to add the CommServe host connection.

    5. From the From list, select the client for the CommServe host.

    6. From the State list, select RESTRICTED.

    7. Click OK.

    8. To change the default tunnel port, on the Incoming Ports tab, select the Override default tunnel port check box, and enter the port number for incoming tunnel connections.

      The default tunnel port is the Commvault Communications (CVD) service port plus 3 (for example, 8403).

    9. Click OK.

  4. Right-click the CommCell node, and then select All Tasks > Push Network Route Configuration.

  5. Under Client Computers, right-click the client for the CommServe host, and then select All Tasks > Push Network Route Configuration.

Deploy the Azure VM

  1. Go to the Microsoft Azure Marketplace and search for Commvault Cloud Access Node BYOL.

  2. Follow the common Azure VM deployment steps to create the VM by selecting the Commvault release version and the desired operating system (Windows or Linux) for this VM.

    The new VM will be listed as recently added in the Azure Portal.

  3. Log on to the new VM.

    If you deploy a Linux-based access node, you can manually start the registration wizard with root or administrative privileges. Using the command line, from the /etc directory, run the Commvault registration script, ./

    If you deploy a Windows-based access node, you can manually start the registration wizard with administrative privileges. Using the command line, from the C:\CVAutoDeployment directory, run the Commvault registration script, commvaultRegistration.bat.

  4. To register your new Azure VM with Commvault, provide the required information in the wizard:

    • Enter Client Name: Type the Commvault client name for the Azure VM.

    • Enter Client Hostname: Type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the public IP address for the Azure VM.

    • Enter Client Group Name: Enter the name of the client computer group where the Azure VM should be included.

    • Enter CS Name: Type the short name for the CommServe client (without the domain name).

    • Enter CS Hostname: Enter the fully qualified host name for the CommServe host.

    • Enter CS Username: Enter the user name for the CommServe host (for example, admin).

    • Enter CS Password: Enter the password for the CommServe host user.

    • Is CS behind a firewall? (yes/no): Enter yes.

    • Enter the option (1/2/3): Enter 2 to indicate that the CommServe host should initiate the connection to the Azure VM.

      • [Option 1] CS f/w tunnel port (client can connect to CS)

      • [Option 2] Client f/w tunnel port (CS can connect to client)

      • [Option 3] CS reachable via proxy

    • Enter the tunnel port number the CommServe system can use to open a connection toward the client: Enter the port number that you entered for the Azure VM (for example, 443).

    • Is HTTP proxy used for communication between the CommServe host and the client ? (yes/no): Enter no.

    • Do you wish to proceed with registration using the above information? (yes/no): Enter yes.