Use this dialog box to choose options for creating a duplicate database or a standby database.
Time Zone
Lists the time zones for a Point In Time recovery. To change the time zone, click one in the list.
Duplicate To Skip Tablespace
Specifies that you want to exclude tablespaces from the duplicate database. Click Add to add tablespaces or Delete to delete tablespaces that are already listed.
Duplicate to Log File
Specifies that you want to create online redo logs for the duplicate database.
Select the Group option to use and specify redo log files by using group members and click Add, or the File option to specify redo log files by using a file, and click Add.
If you selected the File option, in the Spec Dialog for Oracle Redo Log File box:
Type the redo log file name or browse to the location.
In the Size box, type the size of the online redo log file.
In the SizeSpec list, select the size specification of the file.
To allow the database to reuse an existing file, select the Reuse check box.
If you selected the Group option, in the Spec Dialog for Oracle Redo Log Group box:
In the Size box, type the size of the online redo log file.
In the SizeSpec list, select the size specification of the file.
To allow the database to reuse an existing file, select the Reuse check box.