Edge Drive Administration

Edge Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that enables users to access files from almost anywhere. When users upload files to their Edge Drive, those files can be accessed on all Edge Drive enabled computers and through the Web Console. When files in the Edge Drive are edited, the changes appear on all the user’s Edge Drive enabled devices. Files in Edge Drive are protected, so users can retrieve the files from Edge Drive to another location even if the original files are lost.

Other data protection features, such as data encryption, are supported by Edge Drive. For a list of supported features, see Supported Features - Edge Drive.

How Edge Drive Works

After an administrator enables Edge Drive for a user group (see Enable Edge Drive), each user in that group can access their online storage space, called Edge Drive, from the following locations:

  • The Edge Drive Page in the Web Console

    End-users can access their Edge Drive from the My Data section of the Web Console. From the Edge Drive page in the Web Console, end-users can add, rename, delete, and share files in their Edge Drive. End-users can also create new folders and move files within Edge Drive. See Accessing Your Edge Drive.

  • The Edge Drive Folder on Laptop Clients

    Windows or Mac laptop end-users can designate a location on their laptop as their Edge Drive folder. The Edge Drive folder is a virtual directory that provides access to all of the files in the end-user's Edge Drive. End-users can treat the Edge Drive folder like a typical file system folder. They can also designate a location that contains files, such as the My Documents folder on a Microsoft Windows laptop, as their Edge Drive folder. Any files in the Edge Drive folder are automatically uploaded to Edge Drive. See Adding an Edge Drive Folder to Your Laptop.

  • Edge Drive on Mobile Devices

    End-users can access their Edge Drive from the Commvault Edge app on their smart devices. The Edge Drive on Commvault app provides the same functionality as the Edge Drive page in the Web Console. See Accessing Your Edge Drive.

End-users can upload files to their Edge Drive from multiple locations. Files that you add to Edge Drive are synced with other Edge Drive enabled locations, allowing end-users to access their Edge Drive files from all of their devices.

Edge Drive Data Management

Edge Drive contents are managed with a CommCell entity called the Edge Drive client. When you create an Edge Drive client, a subclient is automatically added to the Edge Drive client for each CommCell user associated to the client. Edge Drive subclient contents are automatically updated whenever users add or remove files from their Edge Drives. Files added to the Edge Drive are backed up by the subclient automatically. The application size of Edge Drive backup jobs is the sum (or aggregate) of all the files previously uploaded to the Edge Drive. Therefore, the application size displayed in the Job Details window for each Edge Drive backup job may appear different from the actual size of files uploaded to the Edge Drive.

Each Edge Drive client must be associated to a CommCell storage policy. Edge Drive data is protected according to the settings of the storage policy associated to the Edge Drive client.

Backing Up Edge Drive Data

Files that you add to your Edge Drive are backed up by the Edge Drive subclient automatically. However, to allow recovery of deleted data from your Edge Drive, you must add and sync the Edge Drive folder on your laptop and back up the Edge Drive using laptop backups. For instructions on adding Edge Drive to laptop backups, see Adding Cloud Storage Devices to Backups for Laptop Backup.

Getting Started

To start using Edge Drive, see Configuring Edge Drive.
