Editing Snapshot Configuration Properties of the Dell EMC VNX / CLARiiON Storage Array


You can edit the properties of the storage array to change the behavior of the storage array in your environment.

Before You Begin

Before modifying the properties of the Dell EMC VNX / CLARiiON, complete the following tasks:

  • For the Remote Snap MediaAgent computer, complete the following tasks:

    • On the Remote Snap MediaAgent, complete the following tasks:

      • Install the EMC Solutions Enabler 7.6.2 or later, except Solutions Enabler 8.x.

      • Install the Navisphere Agent or the Unisphere Agent.

      • Install the Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI).

        • Tip:The Navisphere CLI is required for VNX snapshots.
      • Map at least one logical unit number (LUN).

    • Authenticate Solutions Enabler and the Navisphere CLI on the Remote Snap MediaAgent computer. For instructions, see Authorizing CLARiiON Connectivity.

    • Verify that the Remote Snap MediaAgent computer has access to the storage array.

    • Type the Remote Snap MediaAgent computer name in the Remote Snap MA snapshot configuration property.

  • For VNX snapshots, complete the following tasks:

    • Install the Navisphere CLI on the client computer and on the proxy computer.

    • From the subclient properties, select Dell EMC VNX / CLARiiON SnapView / VNX Snap as the snapshot engine.

    • In the EMC Navisphere CLI Installation Home Directory Path property, type the Navisphere secure CLI path.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Storage tab, and then click the Array Management icon.

    The Array Management dialog box appears.

  2. Select an Dell EMC VNX / CLARiiON array, and then click Edit.

    The Array Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the Snap Configuration tab, edit the snapshot configuration properties for Dell EMC VNX / CLARiiON.

  4. Click OK.

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