FAQ (Indexing Version 1)


Why is the index getting restored very often?

Several conditions can cause frequent index restores. The index gets restored when one or more of the following are true:

  • Index retention criteria prompted the system to perform cleanup on an existing index. These criteria may be set more strictly than necessary. See Retention Parameters.

  • Space is not sufficient on the disk that hosts the index directory, causing frequent event-driven cleanup operations. See Index Directory Cleanup Process.

  • An index grew larger than 2 GB, and was automatically renamed.

Can the Index cache be placed on a network drive?

The Commvault software only supports placing the index cache on a local drive.

Must the MediaAgents participating in GridStor be running the same software version?

Yes. MediaAgents that participate in GridStor should be upgraded together, so that all MediaAgents in the group are running the same version of Commvault software.

Why is the Index Directory full even after setting aggressive retention rules?

The aged index files may not be getting cleaned up. Verify this by analyzing the Index Directory Cleanup Report on the MediaAgent computer:


This report displays a list of index files that were not cleaned up during the cleanup operation, along with a reason for their retention. See Index Directory Cleanup Report.

What happens to an incremental backup when the prior index is not in the index cache?

If the prior index is not on the local drive of the MediaAgent that is running an incremental backup job, the prior index is copied to that MediaAgent from another source, and the incremental backup proceeds. The order in which the prior index is obtained is as follows:

  1. If the prior index is available from the MediaAgent on which it was created or last updated, it is copied from that MediaAgent.

  2. If the prior index is not available from the MediaAgent on which it was created or last updated, it is restored from the storage media to which it was written (such as a tape).

How do I recover the index cache following a drive failure?

After replacing the drive, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Catalog tab of the MediaAgent Properties dialog box.

  2. Set the Index Directory to a location on the new drive (see Moving the Index Cache Directory).

    A Confirm dialog box appears.

  3. Click No to tell the process not to copy data to the new location. Indexes are automatically restored to the new location when jobs that require indexes are run.