Can we protect data on non-global zones if the File System iDataAgent is installed only on the global zone?
Yes. We can protect file system data on non-global zones if the File System iDataAgent is installed only on the global zone. However, in order to enable consistent backups of application specific data on the non-global zones, you will need to install the corresponding application specific iDataAgent on the non-global zone.
How do we protect SAP MaxDB data on a non-global zone?
In order to enable consistent backups of SAP for MaxDB data on a non-global zone, you need to install the SAP for MaxDB iDataAgent on the non-global zone.
Can we schedule SAP MaxDB backups?
You can schedule backups of SAP MaxDB only through a scheduler in the Operating System. You can use SAP CaBTWlendar for Windows and Crontab for Unix to schedule your backups.
After I create an instance, do I need to create a job with the required DBM CLI command to run and schedule jobs?
Yes, After you install the SAP MaxDB Data Agent, you must create the pipe mediums so that you can start SAP MaxDB jobs with the Commvault software and run jobs with the required frequency. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Streams for Backups and Restores.
How do I automate SAP MaxDB backups that use the Commvault software?
Use one of the following options to automate SAP MaxDB backups that use the Commvault software:
Use the SAP DBMGUI interface
Create a script that has a sequence of commands, and then run the script
The SAP MaxDB workflow
How do I set the maximum number of streams for SAP MaXDB by using backint so that the numbers of streams are supported by the SAP MaXDB application too?
To set the maximum number of streams for SAP MaXDB by taking into account the maximum number of streams supported by the SAP MaXDB application, perform the following steps:
To verify the current MAXBACKUPDEVS parameter value of the SAP MaXDB application, enter the command:
param_getvalue MAXBACKUPDEVS
The output value is 2. So, backint as well as the SAP MaxDB application can use a maximum of two streams for the backup operation.
To increase the number of streams to 4, enter the following commands:
The SAP MaXDB application supports a maximum of 32 streams.
For the MAXBACKUPDEVS parameter value to take effect, you must restart the SAP MaxDB application by using the db_stop and db_online commands.
Can I use a different block size PIPE data carrier to restore an SAP MaxDB backup
No. The block size PIPE data carrier that you want to use for restoring an SAP MaxDB data must be the same as the SAP MaxDB backup. For example, if you perform an SAP MaxDB backup using the 8K BLOCKSIZE PIPE data carrier, you should only use the 8K BLOCKSIZE PIPE data carrier for restore.