File Storage Optimization in the License Summary Report


The File Storage Optimization (FSO) view of the License Summary Report displays the amount of data that was analyzed using FSO features for each client computer.


Data Insights feature usage is metered in Feature Release 22 and later releases.

Included Components

The File Storage Optimization license includes data analyzed on all client computers enabled with features that are part of the FSO app including the FSO dashboards and the entitlement manager.

Data sources that are analyzed with FSO features include the following:

  • Endpoint


  • Windows\Unix Servers

If the client computer has a file policy enabled, then data is also included in calculations for the Data Insights E-Discovery for Files license.

Where to Access the Report

To view this report, in the License Summary Report, in the Data Insights License table, under License, click File Storage Optimization (TB).

Data Insights Usage Per Client Current Details

This table displays the current amount of data that was analyzed for each client computer.



Client ID

The ID assigned to the client computer.


The client computer where data was analyzed.


The amount of data analyzed for the client computer.

Company ID

The ID that is assigned to the company.


The company that owns the client computer.


The plan that is associated with the client computer.