Getting Started - Scheduling a Restore


The following procedure describes the steps for creating a schedule for restore jobs using the Windows File System agent as an example.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > File System > defaultBackupSet.

  2. Right-click the subclient and click Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Time Range tab and then click View Content.

  4. Expand the defaultBackupSet and navigate to the Windows folder.

  5. For your first restore job, select any folder with a small data size.

  6. Click Restore All Selected.

    The Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box appears.

  7. From the General tab, select the required restore options.

  8. Click the Job Initiation tab, select Schedule, and then click Configure.

    The Schedule Details dialog box appears.

  9. Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a one-time schedule:

    • In the Schedule Name box, type a name for the schedule.

    • Click One Time.

    • Select the date and time.

    • Click OK.

  10. When the scheduled restore job runs, you can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window of the CommCell console.

  11. Once the job is complete, right-click the backupset and then click Restore History.

    The Restore History Filter dialog box appears.

  12. Click OK to view the job details.

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