The following permissions are in the Global group.
Administrative Management
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
Add, delete, and configure a storage array in the Array Management application. Edit array and snapshot operations are not allowed.
Uninstall software from the CommCell Console.
Configure, and download software updates and automatic upgrades.
Modify CommServe and Client Computer properties.
Note: At the client level, the Agent Management permission is needed to update settings on the Activity Control tab.
Track the operations of users who have access to the CommCell and set or modify the Audit Trail settings.
Run an auxiliary copy operation.
Add or modify the parameters available in the Control Panel
Note: The license administration operation also requires the License Management permission at the CommCell level.
Migrate clients from one CommCell to another.
Define custom calendars to suit the needs of your organization.
Run a Data Aging operation.
Configure Data Interface Pairs.
Set the Database Space Check Interval.
Configure and perform Disaster Recovery Backups.
Configure and perform a Delete Backup and Archive Data Using the CommCell Console operation.
Create Global Filters.
Perform the following Job Management configuration functions:
Set the job priority of an Agent.
Queue jobs.
Set the job update interval.
Determine if a job should be preemptible or restartable.
Note: When performing an action on multiple jobs in the Job Controller, the correct permission and object association for all of the selected jobs are necessary. If a user is missing the correct permission, the group action cannot be performed on any of the jobs. The user who initiated a job can perform Job Controller functions for that job regardless of permission or object association.
Configure and de-configure libraries and drives.
Change the name of a client.
Define Operation Rules at the CommCell level.
Create a schedule policy without any entity associations.
Delete an alert from a schedule or schedule policy.
Create alert rules.
Note: This operation also requires the Report Management permission at the CommCell level.
Use alert rules to create alerts.
Note: This operation also requires the Report Management permission at the CommCell level.
Schedule administration operations such as Data Aging, Auxiliary Copy, Disaster Recovery backup, Data Verification, Automatic Update, Erase Data by Browsing/Erase Stubs, Drive Cleaning, and Report, run a scheduled task immediately, and be able to view, delete, disable, or modify the above schedules.
Note: The user who created the schedule can also view it without any permission or object association.
Set Holidays.
Change media and network passwords (Control Panel > System > Change Passwords) and change user accounts (Control Panel > User Account Management).
Configure disk space utilization and search result display for each user.
Configure and perform Offline Content indexing
Delete Content Indexing Server.
Configure pre-processes and post-processes for Disaster Recovery Backup operations
Modify the following hardware maintenance settings:
Library Maintenance
Drive Maintenance
Media Expiration
Drive Cleaning Thresholds
Delete Legal Hold.
View and configure reports on the CommCell Console.
View reports on the Web Console.
Build and download reports on the Web Console.
Import and export report templates on the Web Console.
Publish reports to Download Center.
Client Computer Group
Define Operational Window rules from the client computer group level.
Delete client computer groups
Note: This operation requires additional permissions. For information, see the permission list in Client Computer Group.
Add clients to or remove clients from a client computer group.
Note: This operation requires additional permissions. For information, see the permission list in Client Computer Group.
Modify smart client computer group rules (automatic associations)
Note: This operation requires additional permissions. For information, see the permission list in Client Computer Group.
Modify client properties.
Note: The Agent Management permission is needed to update settings on the Activity Control tab.
Client where the Web Server is installed
Access the Search Admin page.
Client where the Workflow Engine is installed
Deploy a workflow.
Alert Management
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
You must have the Alert Management permission on the entities you are adding to the alert.
Add entities to an alert.
Modify an alert on a schedule or schedule policy.
Command Center
View the Alerts area for the entities to configure alerts.
Change Security Settings
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
Any entity on which you want to perform the task.
Create, edit, and delete a role.
Create and edit a security association.
View the Security area for the entities in the Command Center to perform security operations.
Job Management
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
Suspend, resume, and kill selected jobs and groups of jobs.
Note: When performing an action on multiple jobs in the Job Controller, the correct permission and object association for all of the selected jobs are necessary. If a user is missing the correct permission, the group action cannot be performed on any of the jobs. The user who initiated a job can perform Job Controller functions for that job regardless of permission or object association.
Change the job priority of a scheduled job, running jobs, or groups of running jobs from the Job Controller.
Start/suspend/resume/abort Replication Sets.
Start/suspend/resume/abort Replication Pairs.
Entity the job is associated with
Suspend, resume, and kill selected jobs and groups of jobs.
Report Management
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
Any entity that you want to view in reports such as clients, storage policies, libraries, and any other available entity in the CommCell Console.
View and run reports on CommCell Console.
Pseudo CommCell Client/CommCell Group level or higher
View Metrics reports on Web Console.
Client level or higher
View the SLA Report and the Backup Job Summary Report on Web Console.
Create alert rules.
Use alert rules to create alerts.
Note: The alert rule operations also require the Administrative Management permission at the CommCell level.
Use Proxy
Associated CommCell Entities
Available Tasks/Operations
CommCell/ Client group/ Client
Perform mailbox client operations on the mailbox access node.