IntelliSnap Pre-Deployment Test - UNIX



  1. Log on to the computer as root.

  2. Run the following command from the installation package or mount point:


    To run the installation as a SUDO user with root privileges, use the following command:

    sudo ./cvpkgadd
  3. On the welcome page, click Next.

  4. On the Install Task page, select Install packages on this machine and click Next.

  5. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

    During the installation, make sure to select the following options:

    • On the Package Selection page, select the MediaAgent and File System packages.

    • On the CommServe Host Name page, do not specify the host name and click Next. This will install the software in decoupled mode. Then, on the Decoupled Install page, select Yes.

      Note: A decoupled installation is when the client does not establish connections with the CommServe computer.

Perform Test

The following procedure provides step-by-step instructions to configure and test your snap environment.

  1. Create a Lun on the array and map it to the client computer.

    Ensure that the Lun is visible on the client computer as a device node.

  2. Use the mapped device node to create a Volume Group.

    For example, use the following command:

    On AIX

    mkvg –y vg_name hdisk12

    On Linux:

    pvcreate /dev/sdd
     vgcreate vg_name /dev/sdd
     vgchange –a y vg_name
  3. Create a Logical Volume in the Volume Group.

    For example, use the following command:

    On AIX:

    mklv -y lv_name -t jfs2 vg_name 2G hdisk29

    On Linux:

    lvcreate –n lv_name –L 2G vg_name
  4. Create a File System on the Logical Volume.

    For example, use the following command:

    On AIX:

    crfs -v jfs2 -a logname=INLINE -d lv_name -m /snaptest

    On Linux:

    mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vg_name/lv_name
  5. Use the following commands to run the Snaptest tool:

    • Locate /opt/commvault folder by running the below command.

      [root@ntr commvault]# cd /opt/commvault/Base

    • [root@ntr commvault]# ./SnapTest


      If you have multiple instance installed, run the following command for SnapTest tool:
      [root@ntr commvault]# ./SnapTest -vm Instance<XXX>

  6. Press Enter.

    This tool helps to perform operations such as...
     -> Automatic Snap Tests
     -> Individual Snap Tests
     -> Hardware Snapshot Engine Detection
     -> SCSI Inquiry
     -> Scan HBA/IQN Adapters
     NOTE: Please make sure that the mount points used for this test are not being used by any other application. If they are in use, it may cause data corruption or data loss. Please refer to our online documentation for list of supported Operating systems, Hardware Snapshot engines and File systems.
    Press <ENTER> to continue...
  7. Press Enter.

    SnapTest Version Main Menu 
    Perform automatic snap tests or launch Advanced Operations such as Array Configuration, Snapshot Engine Detection etc. Automatic snap tests take one or more source mounts to snap and performs series of Snap related operations on them. In order to perform these snap operations, array configuration such as array id, control host and user credentials is required. If no array configuration is found, Automatic Snaptests takes you to Array Configuration screen.
     1. Automatic Snap Tests 
     2. Advanced Operations 
     0. Exit 
     Choose your option [1]:
  8. Type Y and press Enter.

    SnapTest Automatic Snap Operations 
    We will perform the following operations on the given mount point[s].
     - Create snapshots
     - Mount snapshots
     - Unmount snapshots
     - Revert original volumes to snapshots
     - Delete snapshots
     Revert is inherently risky and can cause data loss.
     Do you want to perform revert operation as part of this test? [Y/N] [N] : Y


    For NetApp, it is recommended that the revert operation is not tested using the automatic test. Revert should be tested using manual operations.

  9. Specify the path of mount directory and press Enter.


    Enter all the mount points that you want to test.

    Enter source mount paths to snap (separate by commas, if more than one) : /snap1
  10. Press Enter to add the detected array.

    SnapTest Automatic Snap Operations ----------------------------------------------------------- Source Mount Point : /snap1 Detecting underlying devices... /dev/sdh Detecting snapshot engine... <Array Name> SNAP No [<Array Name> SNAP] arrays found in database. Array configuration is required to do snap operations. Do you want to add <Array Name> Array? [Y/N] [Y] :

  11. Specify the following information for the detected array:

    • Array ID

    • Control host name/ip

    • User name

    • Password

    • Reenter password

    • Device group

    • Use only devices belonging to the above device group [y/n]

      SnapTest Add Array ----------------------------------- Vendor : <Array Name> Enter array ID : Enter control host name/ip : Enter user name : Enter password : Enter password again : Enter device group :

  12. The setup is tested for snapshot operations (create, mount, unmount, revert, and delete).

    The snap test is now complete. You can now use this environment for performing IntelliSnap operations.

    SnapTest Automatic Snap Operations ------------------------------------------------------------ Mount points to be snapped : /snap1 Engine for /snap1 : <Array Name> SNAP Creating snapshot... SUCCESS Snapshot name : SP_805326_805326_-1 Mounting snapshot...SUCCESS Unmounting snapshot... SUCCESS Reverting to snapshot... SUCCESS Deleting snapshot... SUCCESS Congratulations!!! Automatic Snap test completed successfully. Press <ENTER> to continue...

  13. Type 0 and press Enter.

    SnapTest Version Main Menu 
    Perform automatic snap tests or launch Advanced Operations such as Array Configuration, Snapshot Engine Detection etc. Automatic snap tests take one or more source mounts to snap and performs series of Snap related operations on them. In order to perform these snap operations, array configuration such as array id, control host and user credentials is required. If no array configuration is found, Automatic Snaptests takes you to Array Configuration screen.
     1. Automatic Snap Tests 
     2. Advanced Operations 
     0. Exit 
     Choose your option [1]:

Initial deployment and successful run of IntelliSnap backup may take around 4 weeks due to the various environment dependencies. The following parameters are known to affect the deployment and initial run and hence need a thorough evaluation:

  • Firmware versions on the array

  • Device types

  • Mode of access

  • Security configuration

  • Operating Systems interacting with the storage array

  • Application layout on the storage array LUNs

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