Laptop Backup FAQ

What gets backed up?

Administrator creates a subclient policy to specify the folders (e.g. Documents, Music, Videos, Pictures and Desktop) such that the contents (e.g. word processing documents, digital photos, music files and so on) of user laptops gets backed up.

However, the administrator must request the users to copy the files and folders to be backed up into the specified folder(s) in subclient policy.

A user can also backup files or folder other than the folders specified by administrator, by adding backup content path from Web Console. See, Modifying the Backup Content for step-by-step procedure.

The software does not back up the system state.

Can I backup the Dropbox folder on a laptop?

A user can add the Dropbox folder in a subclient by adding the content path %Dropbox%. See, Add Backup Content for more information.

What will happen when multiple routes are added for firewall in a laptop?

  • If the multiple route includes a direct connection, and if the direct connection is available, then the laptop will automatically use the direct connection.

  • If a direction connection is not available, then the proxy setup will be used.

  • If you have multiple proxies defined, the laptop will automatically use the faster connection.

Can I configure both absolute and relative throttling rules together?

Yes. Both absolute and relative throttling rules can be configured for the same client or client group. They work in conjunction, the absolute value will takes precedence, after the percentage of relative bandwidth is calculated.

For example if you create a rule for a client with absolute throttling where the send or receive value is set at 1,000 kbps along with another rule where the relative throttling for the same client is set at 50% of bandwidth if the bandwidth is less than 5,000 kbps. If the bandwidth measured for the client is 4,000 kbps then 50% of that value will result in 2,000 kbps.

Since the value set for the absolute throttling rule is below the calculated bandwidth for the relative throttling rule, the absolute throttling rule will take precedence and will not exceed beyond 1,000 kbps.

How do I assign different permissions to different sets of users?

Create user groups with the appropriate permissions and attach the respective users to each of these groups.

What will happen if I configure the iDataAgent for Laptop or Desktop backup?

The following laptop features will get enabled when you configure an iDataAgent for Laptop or Desktop backup:

  • Automatic Ownership - After the successful installation of the laptop software, all the users which belong to the Laptop's administrator group will be assigned as owners of the laptop. For more information, refer to User Permissions and Administration for Laptop Backups.

  • Automatic Scheduling - You can create an automatic backup schedule to perform the data protection operation based on the environmental conditions of the laptop. For example: Network usage, CPU utilization, Power management. For more information refer to Backup Schedules for Laptop Backup.

  • Edge Monitor Tool - You can now monitor the backup jobs on your laptop using the Edge Monitor that runs on the system tray. For more information, refer to Starting an On-Demand Backup Using Edge Monitor.

How do I assign multiple users as laptop owners?

By default, the following users will be designated as owners of the laptop (client) and will have privileges to access the Web Console or Edge Monitor tool.

  • Active Directory users who are member of Local Administrators group of the laptop (client).

    The Active Directory domain must be the domain name specified when Adding a Domain and Enabling SSO for Laptop Backup.

  • The user account used while registering a new client with the Register Me tool.

  • The user account used to install the Laptop Backup package.

For more information about how to assign multiple users as owners to a client or multiple clients (client computer groups), refer to User Permissions and Administration for Laptop Backups

When configuring content indexing for end-user search operations, can I associate different search engines to the subclients of a given client?

No. Since search operations can be performed on one search engine cloud, make sure to configure the same search engine cloud for all the subclients of a given client.

Can I back up open or locked Outlook PST files?

Yes. You can back up open or locked Outlook PST files using the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service.

Can I restore individual e-mails from a PST backup?

Yes. You can restore e-mails individually using the PST Archiving solution. For more information on PST Archiving, see PST Archiving.

Can I perform a backup on a laptop client during Blackout Window?

No. By default, scheduled backup jobs will move to a queued state during the Blackout Window. If you want to ignore the Blackout Window rules for the time period specified in the Maximum Interval between jobs box and continue the backups on your laptop client, in the Backup Task Options dialog box, select the Ignore the blackout window when a backup is forced check box.

Why is my full backup converted to a synthetic full backup?

If the number of days specified is 1 or higher in the Retention tab of the Subclient Retention dialog box, then any full backup is converted to an incremental backup, followed by a synthetic full backup.

What makes a Client a "Laptop Client"?

There is no visual indication in the CommCell Console of a client's status as a Laptop Client other than including the client in a Client Computer Group with a rule of Client equal to Laptop Client. For more information, see Setting the Laptop Status on Clients.

Can I Limit What Users See in the Edge Monitor Shortcut Menu?

Yes. You can hide the following Edge components from the Edge Monitor shortcut menu in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar:
