Merging Content from Cataloged Tapes


Merge content from cataloged tapes to populate the CommServe Database with “aged” jobs from which data can be browsed and restored. After merging the contents on a tape, a dummy client is created with the CommCell name, a file system agent with a backup set <Application_Id> and a DRSubclient subclient.

Before You Begin

  • Login to CommCell Console as user with CommCell level Administrative Management capability.

  • Users with Installation, Library Management, and MediaAgent Management capabilities on the MediaAgent and the Library will be able to perform the merge operation.

  • Catalog the tape.

About This Task

Cataloging a tape creates an index which you can view to select which jobs to merge into the CommServe database for browse and restore.


  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Storage Resources | Libraries | <Tape Library> | Media By Location | Media in Library. The right pane of the CommCell Console displays all the tapes available in the tape library.

  2. Use the Barcode column to identify the tape that contains the required backup data.

  3. Right-click the tapeand click View and then click View Catalog Contents. The Data on Catalog Media dialog box displays the list of backup jobs available on the tape.

  4. Ensure that the job that contains required backup data is available in the list. If the job is not available in the list, you must catalog other tapes in the library till you find the required job. It also displays information such as Client Name, CommCell Number, Type of Backup, Agent used for backup, Storage Policy used for backup for each backup job.

  5. Click Recatalog/Merge button.

  6. Ensure that the Merge only option is selected in the Catalog Media dialog box.

  7. Click OK on the Catalog Media dialog box. The Catalogue Media operation starts. You can monitor the progress using the Job Controller.


After merging the contents on a tape, a dummy client is created with the CommCell name prefixed with CommCell ID, a file system agent with a backup set<Application_Id> and a DRSubclient subclient.

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