Modifying a Subclient for VMware


You can modify the properties for an existing subclient to change the configuration, content, or backup behavior. Any changes take effect with the next job for the subclient.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > VMware > backup_set.

  2. Right-click the subclient and click Properties.

  3. You can make any of the following changes:

  4. Change

    Tabs and Settings


    Change the subclient name

    General tab > Subclient name

    Identify virtual machines to back up

    Content tab > click Browse or Add

    See Adding Subclient Content.

    Select a different storage policy

    Storage Device / Data Storage Policy tab > Storage Policy

    You can modify the storage policies in any of the following situations:

    • To include different media for the backup operation.

    • To use a storage policy with different retention criteria.

      See Storage Policies.

    Optimize data transfer

    Storage Device / Data Transfer Option tab > Software Compression and Resource Tuning

    You can enable software data compression to be used by the client or MediaAgent, use storage policy settings, or turn compression off.

    You can tune data transfers by setting the number of network agents and specifying throttling for network bandwidth.

    See Data Compression and Network Bandwidth Throttling.

    Modify data paths and priorities

    Storage Device / Data Storage Policy tab > Data Paths

    Displays the data paths associated with the primary storage policy copy of the selected storage policy or incremental storage policy.

    Specify the number of data readers

    Advanced Options tab > Number of Data Readers

    Specify the number of simultaneous backup data streams allowed for this subclient. See Streams.

    Select an ESX server to be used to mount snapshots for backup copies or live browse operations

    Advanced Options tab > Proxy ESX Server

    For clients with IntelliSnap enabled:

    • Under Proxies, you can add proxies to be used for the source or destination vCenter, to override the proxies specified for the VMware instance.

    • Under Proxy ESX Server:

      • From the Virtual Center / ESX Server list, select the vCenter that contains the ESX host to be used for mounting snapshots.

        You can select the vCenter where the source VMs reside or a different vCenter.

      • In the Snap Mount ESX Host box, enter the host name for the ESX server that should be used to mount snapshots, or click Snap Mount Hosts to browse and select a host on the specified vCenter.

        By default, if a different vCenter is chosen as the destination, the first available proxy for the destination virtualization client performs the mount operation.

        If the useHigherPrecedenceForSCProxy additional setting is created on all VSA proxies and is set to true, the proxies specified for the source vCenter will be used instead of the proxies specified for the destination vCenter.

        For the source vCenter, VSA proxies specified at the subclient level are preferred over the proxies specified for the VMware instance. If a different vCenter is specified as the destination, the operation uses the proxies specified at the instance level.

        On the IntelliSnap Operations tab, you can specify a different proxy to be used for backup copy operations.

    Configure a subclient for pre- and post-processing

    Pre/Post Process tab > PreBackup Process and PostBackup Process

    1. Enter the full path of the batch file to execute or click Browse to locate the batch file (only applicable for paths that do not contain any spaces).

    2. Select Run Post Scan Process for all attempts to run a post scan process for all attempts.

    3. Select Run Post Backup Process for all attempts to run a post backup process for all attempts.

    4. Click Change to specify the user account that has permissions to run these batch files.

    5. In the User Account dialog box, select one of the following:

      • Use Local System Account - Select this option to use the Local System Account to execute the batch files and click OK.

      • Impersonate User - Select this option to use a specific user account to execute the batch files. Enter the user name and password for the user account and then click OK.

        The batch files or scripts will be executed on the first available proxy computer from the list of proxy computers. You can view the list of proxy computers in the Proxies tab of the Virtual Server Instance Properties dialog box.

    Enable backups

    Activity Control tab > Enable Backup

    You can enable or disable backup operations for the subclient . You can enable restore operations only from the agent level.

    See Activity Control.

    Configure user security

    Security tab > Add > Users and Groups and Role

    You can configure user security from the agent or subclient.

    You can perform the following functions:

    • Associate a role with a user group.

    • Identify user groups to which the subclient is associated.

    • Associate the subclient with a user group and role.

    • Disassociate the subclient from a user group and role.

      See User Administration and Security.

    Enable and disable data encryption

    Encryption tab

    When you configure encryption at the client level, it is configured automatically for all agents and subclients for that client. You can disable or change encryption at the subclient level by selecting the encryption type.

    See Data Encryption.

  5. Click OK.

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