Performing an IBM i File System Agent Full Data Restore Operation

Use this procedure when you performed an IBM i DR recovery operation and the job did not successfully complete but the operating system and system data have been recovered from the ISO images of the DR subclient backup.

Additionally, you can use this procedure when you already have an IBM i client with the operating system installed and wish to restore data saved in all subclients of a backup set.


The destination IBM i LPAR will go to restricted a few times when you run this procedure.

For more information about the full data restore options, see IBM i Full Data Restore Options.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > File System.

  2. Right-click the backup_set, point to All Tasks, and then click Full Data Recovery.

    The IBM i DR Data Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. On the Inputs tab, specify the following information:

    1. From the Source Client list, select the client where you performed the backup.

    2. From the Destination Client list, select the client where you want to restore the data.

    3. In the backupSetName box, type the backup set name that you used for the backup operation.

    4. To restore the private authority with the object, select the Restore Private authority (PVTAUT) check box.

      Best Practice: Select this check box.

    5. To restore the spool files, select the Restore Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) check box.

    6. From the Allow object differences (ALLOWOBJDIF), select whether to allow object differences.

    7. To allow authorization instances, select the *AUTL check box.

    8. To allow file level and member level ID differences, select the *FILELVL check box.

    9. To allow file ownership differences, select the *OWNER check box.

    10. To allow primary group differences, select the *PGP check box.

    11. From the Force Object Conversion list, select the option to convert the user objects to the format that the current operating system version requires or to be compatible with the current machine.

    12. In the Defer ID box, type the string that the software uses to restore the logical files based on physical files.

    13. From the Output option list, select whether to have IBM generate a report.

    14. In the Output file box, type he database file member where the output of the restore is directed.

    15. In the Output member box, type he database file member where the output of the restore is directed.

    16. From the Replace or add records list, elect whether the software adds or replaces records in the output file.

    17. From the Type of output information list, select the information that is printed or sent to the output file.

    18. f you have multiple data copies and you want to restore from a copy, then in the Copy Precedence box, type the number for the copy that you want to restore.

    19. In the Restore data backed up before date box, specify the date.

    20. In the Number of retries before failing box, type the number of times that the software retries the job when it detects a failure.

    21. In the Delay between retry attempts box, type the number of minutes that software waits between retry attempts.

  4. Click OK.

To monitor the progress of the restore job, see Job Controller.

To view the job history, see Job History.


The following data is restored in sequence:

  • Security data is restored by putting the destination IBM i client in a restricted state

  • Configuration data

  • *IBM libraries (except QTCP)

  • User libraries

  • QHST log files

  • The RCLDLO command is executed in restricted state

  • QDLS data

  • IFS data

  • Private authorities are restored by executing the RSTAUT command
