This command lists media required to restore data associated with a client, iDataAgent, backup set, or subclient. The following information is displayed for each media:
export location
container name
library name
media type
storage policy name
copy name
subclient name
copy precedence number
Whenever more than one media is found, each media is displayed in its own line on the command prompt. The message "No media information to display" is displayed whenever media is not found.
In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "quickmedia: Error errorcode: errordescription"
qlist quickmedia [-co e|b|c|l|t|p|o|s|r] -c <client> [-a <iDataAgent>] [-i <instance>] [-b <backupset>] [-s <subclient>] [-bf <browsefrom>] [-bt <browseto>] [-syp <syncprecedence>] [-sep <selprecedence>] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]
-co |
Columns to display. Available columns are e, b, c, l, t, p, o, s, and r. |
-c |
Client computer name |
-a |
Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types) |
-i |
Instance name |
-b |
Backup set name |
-s |
Subclient name |
-bf |
Browse From |
-bt |
Browse To |
-syp |
Synchronous copy precedence |
-sep |
Selective copy precedence |
-tf |
Reads token from a file |
-tk |
Token string |
-h |
Displays help |
If -c (client computer name) is the only option specified, then all the media used by backups during the last backup cycle will be displayed, regardless of application types.
Column Codes
Column codes are used to filter the columns that are displayed by the command. Only those columns that are set using the "-co" option are displayed.
b |
Barcode of the media |
c |
Container |
l |
Library |
p |
Storage policy |
o |
Copy name |
s |
Subclient |
e |
Export location |
t |
Media type |
r |
Copy precedence |
By default, b, c, l, p, o, s columns are enabled.
Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.
List the media on the client battra.
E:\commandline>qlist quickmedia -c battra
------- --------- ---------- ------------- --------- -------------
T:\Dummy battra_t battra_t(battra) -DP(2) Primary Cursors
T:\Dummy battra_t battra_t(battra) -DP(2) Primary default