Report Selection (Time Range)

Use this tab to select the time ranges in which to include in the report.

For Job Summary reports only, jobs that meet the following criteria will be included in the report: jobs that started and/or ended within the specified time period, jobs that were started within the specified time period and that are still active, and jobs that were active during the specified time period.

(Media Information Report Only)

By Time

  • No

    Specifies that the Media Information report will not be filtered by date and time.

  • By last Write Time

    Includes the media that was last written to, within a specified date and time, in the report.

  • By last Write Time and Read Time

    Includes the media that was last written to and read, within a specified date and time, in the report.

  • By last Export Time

    Includes the media that was last exported from a library, within a specified date and time, in the report.

  • By Data Creation Time

    Includes the media that contains any data, which was first created by the backup job, within a specified date and time, in the report.


  • Last

    Allows you to determine which events/jobs/backups/media should be included in the report based on a "Last" time period (e.g., Last 24 Hours (default), Last 3 days).

  • Select Date/Time

    The View From and View To options allow you to select which events/jobs/backups/media should be included in the report based on the time range within the specified time zone.

  • Time Zone

    Allows you to select a time zone.

    Note: The output of the report displays the data based on the CommServe time zone.

View From

Allows you to select the earliest events/jobs/backups/media to be included in the report.

  • First Event/First Job/First Backup/Start

    Includes events/jobs/backups/media starting with the earliest available in the report.

  • Events On/Jobs On/Backups On/Select Start Time

    Includes events/jobs/backups/media that were initiated/written to and/or read to at or after the time selected in the report.

View To

Allows you to select the latest event/job/backup/media be included in the report.

  • Last Event/Last Job/Last Backup/End

    Includes events/jobs/backups/media through the latest available in the report.

  • Events On/Jobs On/Backups On/Select End Time

    Includes event/jobs/backups/media that were completed/written to and/or read to at or before the time selected in the report.

Save As

Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.

When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as needed.
