Use this dialog box to establish filtering options for the Restore by Jobs feature. The available options are:
Specify jobs from list
Specifies that you will be able to select one or more jobs from the Backup History dialog box based on a fixed time range for the jobs that you specify by using the Absolute option below. Backup jobs whose start and end times fall within this time range will be selected and eligible for restore. This option is selected by default and, when selected, the Absolute option within Time Range is automatically selected. Once you make all of your selections on this dialog box using all these options and click OK, the Backup History dialog box displays. From this dialog box, you can specify the actual job(s) to restore.
Specify time range
Specifies that all eligible jobs will be selected based on the relative time range that you specify for the jobs by using the Relative option below. Backup jobs that were completed within the time range indicated relative to when the restore will start will be eligible for restore. When you select this option, the Relative option within Time Range is automatically selected. Once you make all of your selections on this dialog box using all these options and click OK, the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box displays.
Backup Type
Displays the types of backup jobs that can be restored. Select one of the following:
Specifies that all backup jobs should be restored.
Specifies that all full backup jobs should be restored.
Specifies that all differential backup jobs should be restored.
Specifies that all incremental backup jobs should be restored.
Synthetic Full
Specifies that all synthetic full backup jobs should be restored.
Job Status
Displays only those jobs that correspond to a specified job status. Select one of the following:
Displays all jobs.
Displays only jobs that completed and completed with one or more errors.
Displays only those jobs that were killed, failed, and failed to start.
Displays only user killed jobs.
Time Range
Use this area to select the jobs to restore based on different time criteria.
This option is automatically selected when you select Specify jobs from list above. Select from the following two options:
Time Zone
Displays only those jobs that have occurred within a specified time zone.
Start Time, End Time
Displays only those jobs that occurred within the specified start and end times.
This option is automatically selected when you select Specify time range above. Use the spaces to select the relative time period for the restore job(s).
Click to administer additional backup history filter options.