Use Software Compression for Backups for Default PIPE
SAP MaxDB does not support deduplication on default PIPE of 8K BLOCK SIZE, so we recommend that you use software compression for backups (Instance Properties dialog box, Storage Device tab, Data Transfer Option tab, Software Compression).
Optimizing Performance
To optimize your performance, create a minimum of 2 pipe mediums.
Optimizing PIPE to Achieve Deduplication
If you use a PIPE of 128K BLOCK SIZE with 4 PIPES for FULL Data backup and 4 PIPES for incremental data backup, you can achieve deduplication (Instance Properties dialog box, Storage Device tab, Deduplication Option tab, Enable Deduplication on Client or Media Agent).
The ratio of deduplication might vary. Log backups will not achieve deduplication.
You should not use a PIPE of 128K BLOCK SIZE to restore old backups that were performed using a 8K BLOCK SIZE.
Verify if the numstreams Value is Set to the Minimum Value 4 in the SapMaxDbAgent Parameter File
[root@sde-bigsap ~]# cat /opt/commvault/SapMaxDbAgent/param
Set the Minimum Value 4 for MAXBACKUPDEVS
This example sets the minimum value 4 for MAXBACKUPDEVS.
dbmcli on testdb>param_extget MAXBACKUPDEVS
If the minimum value for MAXBACKUPDEVS is not set to 4, run the following commands:
dbmcli on testdb>param_put MAXBACKUPDEVS 4
dbmcli on testdb >db_stop
dbmcli on testdb >db_online
Create PIPE Mediums for Deduplication On a Unix Computer
This example creates PIPE mediums for dedupData2, dedupPages2, and dedupLog.
dbmcli -d testdb -u dbm,dbm
dbmcli on testdb> backup_template_create dedupData2 TO BACKUPTOOL BACKINT PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm0 NAMED ddm0 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm1 NAMED ddm1 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm2 NAMED ddm2 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm3 NAMED ddm3 CONTENT DATA BLOCKSIZE 128
dbmcli on testdb> backup_template_create dedupPages2 TO BACKUPTOOL BACKINT PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm4 NAMED ddm4 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm5 NAMED ddm5 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm6 NAMED ddm6 PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm7 NAMED ddm7 CONTENT INCREMENTAL BLOCKSIZE 128
dbmcli on testdb> backup_template_create dedupLog TO BACKUPTOOL BACKINT PIPE /sapdb/testdb/files/ddm8 NAMED ddm8 CONTENT LOG BLOCKSIZE 128
SAP MaxDB Agent Backup and Restore
You must use root user instead of SIDadm user for SAP MaxDB agent backup and restore.