Select Clients/ Client Groups


Use this dialog box to select proxies for a VMware vCenter client. The VMware vCenter client uses the selected proxies for automatic load balancing or failover during backup jobs. You must select at least one proxy for the VMware vCenter client.

Any client computer that has the Virtual Server Agent installed can be selected as a proxy.


This list displays all clients that have Virtual Server Agents installed. If the clients are member of a client group, the name of the group also appears in the list.

Include / Include All

Select one or more clients or client groups from the Exclude list and click this button. The selected clients or client groups are added in the list of proxies.

If you select a client group, all clients in the group are included as proxies in the VMware vCenter client. Ensure that at least one client in the group has the Virtual Server Agent installed.


This is a list of clients or client groups that are included as proxies in the VMware vCenter client.

Exclude/ Exclude All

To remove any clients or client groups from the Include list, select them and click this button.

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