Setting the Oracle Subclient RMAN Performance Tuning Parameters


You can adjust RMAN performance tuning parameters to increase the efficiency of backup and restore jobs.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Oracle >instance.

  2. Right-click the subclient and then click Properties.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the Advanced tab, click the Backup Arguments tab:

    • Select the number of datafiles in each RMAN backup set, in the Data Files (BFS) box, type the number of data files in the backup set.

    • Select the number of archive files in each RMAN backup set, in the Archive Files (BFS) box, type the number of archive files in the backup set.

    • In the RMAN BACKUPSET Size section:

      • Select the size of backup set allowed for RMAN backup set, select the Maximum Size option, and type the backup size in KB.

      • If you use multisection RMAN backups on an Oracle 11G database, select the Section Size option, and type the data file section size.

    • Select the number of datafiles that RMAN can simultaneously read during a backup operation, in the Maximum No. Of Open Files box, type the number of files.

  4. Click OK to close the Subclient Properties dialog box.

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