Subclient Properties (Advanced Options)

Use this dialog box to manage the UNIX File System subclient properties.

Reconcile Backup

Select the option to enable the synchronization of data on the source disk and the index. After you enable this option, the subsequent backup job compares the subclient content on the disk to the data on the index, and identifies the files that are missing from the subclient content on the disk and the index. The missing files are then included in the backup job. A scenario that might result in the discrepancy is a cut and paste operation on a file that does not change the modified time of the file. As a result, when you use the recursive scan method, the file is not selected during the backup operation.

Every n days from the previous backup job

Enter the number of days after which any backup job will run the Reconcile backup job. By default, the Reconcile Backup operation runs after every incremental job that runs after a synthetic full backup.

Optimize for File system with large number of small files (Block Level Backup)

Specifies the job as a block-level backup, which backs up the blocks that contain data.

Create File Level Index during backup

Scans the entire file system, and the metadata for all existing files is collected to enable file-level browse and restore operations.

Recursive Scan

This is the default scan method. Select the option to specify that the classic file scan is used to determine whether files have been modified for all subclients within the backup set.

Preserve File Access Time

If you select this option, the file access time is preserved and therefore not modified at the time of backup. Selecting this option may increase the time required to complete a backup. Note that the ctime (changes in the file properties) is modified when you select this option though incremental backups do not honor it.

Optimized Scan

Select to specify that Optimized Scan is used to determine whether files have been modified for all subclients within the backup set. Select this option when you want to scan large number of files and folders for the backup. The system maintains a separate database to track changes in the files.

Catalog additional file and system attributes

Enable collection of file and system data so you can create a report with the Build-Your-Own Reports feature or run the File Level Analytics Reports.

Catalog ACL (end user access control list)

When enabled, ACLs (Access Control Lists) are cataloged. As a result, if the End-User ACLs for for Browsing From the Commvault Command Line Interface (cvc) are available on the source client, a non-root user can access only those files and directories for which they have permissions.

When you select or clear the Catalog ACL (end user access control list) option between backup jobs, run a full backup for the selected option to take effect on the backup data. Conversely, if you run a differential or incremental backup after enabling this option, only the newer data will include ACLs.

Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts

When this option is selected, the subclient is excluded from the SLA (Service Level Agreement) calculation and the Client Strike calculation for the Worldwide Dashboard, CommCell Dashboard, SLA Report, and Client Strike Count Report. When this option is cleared, the subclient is included in these calculations.

Ignore Strikes Before

When selected, allows you to configure the cutoff date for counting strikes. Any strikes that occurred prior to the date you specify will not be counted in the strike calculation for the Worldwide Dashboard, CommCell Dashboard, and Strike Count report.



Select this checkbox to enable association of a MiFID monitoring policy.

Monitoring Policy

Select a MiFID monitoring policy to perform log monitoring. To create a new MiFID monitoring policy, click Create Monitoring Policy.
