Subclient Properties of  <subclient name> (Pre/Post Process)


Use this tab to add, modify or view Pre/Post processes for the selected subclient.

PreBackup process

Displays the name/path of the backup that you want to run before the respective phase. You can use this space to enter a path for the backup process that will execute before this phase on the subclient . Click Browse to search for and select the name/path of the process. The system allows the use of spaces in the name/path, provided they begin with an opening quotation mark and end with a closing quotation mark.

PostBackup process

Displays the name/path of the backup process that you want to run after the respective phase. You can use this space to enter a path for the backup process that will execute after this phase on the subclient. Click Browse to search for and select the name/path of the process. The system allows the use of spaces in the name/path, provided they begin with an opening quotation mark and end with a closing quotation mark.

Run Post Backup Process for all attempts

Specifies whether this process will execute for all attempts to run the phase. Selecting this option will execute the post backup process for all attempts to run the phase, including situations where the job phase is interrupted, suspended, or fails. Otherwise, when the check box is cleared the specified process will only execute for successful, killed, or failed jobs.

Run As

Displays the user account used to run the pre/post processes. This option is applicable for Windows clients.


Click to add or modify the account that has permission to run these commands.

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