Troubleshooting - DB2 MultiNode iDataAgent


The following section provides information on troubleshooting restores.

Restore Failures

Out of place restore failures

Unable to restore to a new database or another instance from the CommCell Console. In such cases, ensure the following:

  • Make sure that database is not created on a different directory other than the default location.

  • The DBHEAP, UTIL_HEAP, and/or APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ configuration parameters for the (source) database that you want to restore should contain the default value.

Viewing Restore Logs

You can troubleshoot restores by checking the CLDb2Agent restore log located in <software installation path>\Log Files. Also, you can check details on the restore by issuing the db2ckrst DB2 command and then reviewing the generated output. The output for this command lists all of the backup images involved in the restore. The command syntax is as follows:

db2ckrst [-d <database name>] [-t <timestamp string>]


<database name> is the name of the database and <timestamp string> is a numerical value representing the backup image involved in the restore.

Timestamps are displayed in the Restore Options | Restore Arguments dialog box in the CommCell Browser.

For example:

db2ckrst -d db_one -t 20030224125749

might generate the following output:

Suggested restore order of images using timestamp 20030224125749

for database db_one


restore db db_one incremental taken at 20030224125749

restore db db_one incremental taken at 20030224124314

restore db db_one incremental taken at 20030224125211

restore db db_one incremental taken at 20030224125749


In this example, note that the timestamp for the database image included in the command appears twice in the output — in the first line and in the last line. This indicates that this (delta or incremental) backup image was the last backup image in the backup cycle and therefore was restored first and then last among all of the backup images in the cycle.

DB20018: A Restore from a Tape Library Hangs


A restore from a tape library hangs with the following error:

The medium is already reserved by some other job[s]


This is due to default optimization that the software uses to enhance performance. To fix this issue, disable optimization. For more information, see Disabling Optimization for Database Restores.