Using Recovery Catalog for Backups


The Oracle RMAN recovery catalog includes the RMAN metadata information about each registered target database. The recovery catalog acts as a secondary repository for the RMAN metadata because the data is stored in the recovery catalog for a longer time period than the Oracle control file.

By default, backups are not included in the recovery catalog. You can enable the recovery catalog to include backups, and then use the recovery catalog to restore the target database when the control file is lost, or to recover a database to a time older than the control file.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Oracle RAC.

  2. Right-click the instance and then click Properties.

  3. On the Details tab of the Instance Properties dialog box:

    • Select the Use Catalog Connect check box.

    • In the Catalog Connect String box enter the Oracle catalog connect string credentials.

      • Enter the catalog user name

      • Enter the catalog user password

      • Enter the Oracle service name

  4. Click OK to close the Instance Properties dialog box.

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