Viewing Index Cache Usage Statistics (Indexing Version 1 and Indexing Version 2)


You can view statistics about the current disk space usage of the index cache (for example, total index cache directory size, disk space used by index files, disk space used by other files, and free space in the directory).


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > MediaAgents.

  2. Right-click the MediaAgent name, and then click Properties.

  3. On the Catalog tab of the MediaAgent Properties dialog box, view the Index Directory Space pie chart and statistics, which are defined as follows:

    Total Size: MB/GB: The total disk space (in MB or GB) that is available in the index cache directory. (Note that when the index cache directory is changed, it may take up to 30 minutes for the new Total Size value to reflect the size of the new index cache directory.)

    Index: MB/GB (%): Index cache directory disk space (in MB or GB) currently used by index files. The number in parentheses shows the usage as a percentage of the Total disk space of the index cache directory.

    Other Data: MB/GB (%): Index cache directory disk space (in MB or GB) currently used by data other than index files. The number in parentheses shows the usage as a percentage of the Total disk space of the index cache directory.

    Free Space: MB/GB (%): Free disk space (in MB or GB) available in the index cache directory. The number in parentheses shows the free disk space as a percentage of the Total disk space of the index cache directory. (Note that when the index cache directory is changed, it may take up to 30 minutes for the new Total Size value to reflect the size of the new index cache directory.)

  4. Click the OK button.

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