A default database group is created when you create an instance. You can create other database groups as well. For example, you can create a database group for databases that you want to back up once a week.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.
The database overview page appears.
Click the Instances tab.
The Instances page appears which displays the list of instances.
Click a instance that you want to add the database group to.
The instance detail page appears.
Click Database group tab.
The Database groups page appears.
Click Add database group.
The Add database group dialog box appears.
In the Database group name box, type a name for the database group.
From the Plan list, select a server plan.
In the Number of data streams box, enter the number of data streams that you want to use for backups.
Optional: To include the object list in the backup content, select the Collect object list during backup check box.
When you select this check box, restore operations run faster. However, backup operations might take additional time to back up the object list that contains the metadata information.
In the Databases table, select the check boxes for the databases that you want to include in the group.
Click Save.