Converting a VM to an Amazon EC2 Instance

You can convert a VM to an Amazon EC2 instance.

Before You Begin

Prepare the source VM.

Start the Restore Wizard

  1. From the Command Center navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. Click the VM groups tab.

    The VM group page appears.

  3. On the VM groups tab, in the row for the VM group, click the action action_button button, and then click Restore.

    The Select restore type page appears.

  4. To convert the full virtual machine, select Full virtual machine.

    The Full virtual machine page appears.

  5. Select the instances to restore, and then click Restore.

    The restore wizard appears.

Specify the Restore Destination

  1. For Type, select Out of place.

  2. For Restore as, select Amazon Web Services.

  3. For Destination, select the hypervisor to restore the instances to.

  4. For Access node, select one of the following options:

    • Automatic: Select to distribute the instances in the restore job across the access nodes (proxies) that are assigned for the Amazon EC2 destination hypervisor.

      Instances are assigned to access nodes first by performing a zone match. If access nodes are not available in the same zone, then a region match is performed. This option is available for full instance restores from streaming backups or IntelliSnap backup copies.

      By default, the automatic option is used for the restore.

    • access_node_name: To use a different access node, select the access node from the list.

      If you select an access node that is outside of AWS, the restore uploads volume information to S3 and uses the volumes to create the instance.

      /// note | Note For certain Linux versions, Commvault supports automatically injecting the drivers if a FREL access node is used. See, Automatically Inject Xen and Nitro Drivers for Linux Guest VMs. ///

    For AWS to AWS conversion, if you assigned an access node at the hypervisor and VM group levels, both the access nodes are used. For AWS conversions, if you assigned an access node at the hypervisor level and the VM group level for both the source and the destination hypervisors, the access nodes assigned for the destination hypervisor are used.

  5. Click Next.

    The Virtual Machines page appears.

Specify the Virtual Machines and Settings

  1. Select the virtual machines to restore.

  2. To modify the restore settings, click Edit, and then specify the following:

    • VM display name: Enter a name for the restored virtual machine.

    • Availability zone: Click Browse, select an availability zone for the converted VM, and then click OK.

    • Instance type: To select a specific instance type, clear this option, and then select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

    • Volume type: To select a volume type for the converted VM, clear this option, and then select a volume type that is optimized for transactional workloads or streaming workloads, for the instance.

      By default, General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume type is used for the restored instance.

      The following volume types are available:

      • General Purpose SSD (gp2)

      • General Purpose SSD (gp3)

      • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)

      • Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)

      • Cold HDD (sc1)

      • Magnetic (standard)

    • Encryption key: To select an encryption key for the converted VM, clear this option, and then select the required encryption key.

      By default, the option is set to no encryption.

      The following encryption keys are available:

      • default (aws/ebs)

      • Custom encryption keys

    • Key pair: Select a key pair that identifies the ownership for the restored intances instance.

    • Network: Browse to select an EC2 or a VPC network for the restored instances, and then click OK.

    • Private IP address: Enter a private IP address for the restored instances.

    • Auto Select Security Group: To specify a specific security group, clear this selection and then, from the Security groups list, select a security group for the restored instances.

    • Auto select operating system: To select a specific operating system, clear this option, and then select the operating system for the restored instances.

    • Specify guest credentials (required if you select an AWS access node): Select this option, and then enter the guest VM credentials, including the Domain / Computer name, Username, and Password.

  3. Click Save.

    The Restore Options page appears.

Specify the Restore Options

Specify the following settings:

  • Power on VMs after restore: Automatically restart virtual machines after they are restored.

    The power state of the virtual machine does not affect subsequent backups. If the virtual machine is powered on during backups, by default, the virtual machine is powered on again after the restore completes (unless you clear this check box).

  • Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists: Delete an existing virtual machine and replace it with the restored virtual machine.


    If an existing virtual machine with the same name exists on the destination host and you do not select Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists, the restore job fails.

  • Reuse existing VM client: Reuse the existing virtual machine and map its information, such as client name, host name, and client ID, to the source virtual machine.

  • Notify user on job completion: Receive an email notification that the restore is complete.

    The Summary page appears.

Review the Summary and Start the Restore

  1. Review the summary to verify the settings.

  2. Click Submit to start the restore.
