Creating Disk Filters for Nutanix AHV

From the VM group content dialog box, you can create disk filters to exclude virtual machine disks from backups.


  1. From the Command Center navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. Click the VM groups tab.

    The VM group page appears. The VM groups area displays summary information for any existing VM groups.

  3. Click an existing VM group.

  4. Click the Content tab.

    The Content page of the VM group shows the currently selected content to be backed up (hosts, specific VMs, or source virtual machine storage).

  5. To edit the content, click the Pencil icon.

    The Manage content page appears.

  6. To modify the Type, click action_button in the Actions column of the row for the Name and then select Edit Rule.

    1. To include instances that match all rules, selectall. To include instances that match any of the rules, selectany.

    2. In the criteria list select a search criterion from the menu, such asVM name/pattern orTag.

    3. In the operators, list define the rule by selecting an operator from the list, such asEquals orStarts with.

    4. To add a value, enter a text string or specify a text pattern using wildcards (for example,Test*to identify instances for which the instance name begins with "Test") that appear in the criteria you selected, such asVM name/patternorTag.

    5. To add more content for the rule, click the folder icon and select a value from the list.

    6. Click Save.

  7. To remove a virtual machine, click action_button in the Actions column of the row for the VM and select Delete.

  8. Click Preview to see a list of the virtual machines that will be backed up and the hosts for the VMs.

  9. Click Save to save the changes to VM group content.

    The Content page appears with the rule and VM name that you selected.

Define Filters

  1. To filter virtual machines based on specific criteria, move the Define Filters toggle key to the right.

  2. To discover virtual machines automatically:

    1. Click Add rule.

    2. To include instances that match all rules, selectall. To include instances that match any of the rules, selectany.

    3. In the criteria list select a search criterion from the menu, such asVM name/pattern orTag.

    4. In the operators list, define the rule by selecting an operator from the list, such asEquals orStarts with.

    5. To add a value, enter a text string or specify a text pattern using wildcards (for example,Test*to identify instances for which the instance name begins with "Test") that appear in the criteria you selected, such asVM name/patternorTag.

    6. To add more content for the rule, click the folder icon and select a value from the list.

    7. Click Save.

  3. To edit a rule, click action_button in the Actions column of the row for the VM and select Edit rule.

    1. To include instances that match all rules, selectall. To include instances that match any of the rules, selectany.

    2. In the criteria list select a search criterion from the menu, such asVM name/pattern orTag.

    3. In the operators, list define the rule by selecting an operator from the list, such asEquals orStarts with.

    4. To add a value, enter a text string or specify a text pattern using wildcards (for example,Test*to identify instances for which the instance name begins with "Test") that appear in the criteria you selected, such asVM name/patternorTag.

    5. To add more content for the rule, click the folder icon and select a value from the list.

    6. Click Save.

      The Content page appears with the VM name and the disk filters.
