After creating a replication group, you can modify the contents and settings for the replication group.
For some options, you can make changes only when you are creating a new group or adding new VMs or instances.
Before You Begin
Review the options for the destination hypervisor:
From the navigation pane, go to Auto recovery > Replication groups.
The Replication groups page appears.
Under Group name, click a group.
The replication group properties page appears.
In this section you can define the frequency of replication operations and the job start time.
Replication frequency: Click Edit and then configure the time period between replication jobs.
Replication window: To view the dashboard, click this link.
Job start time: Click the edit button
and then enter the time when you want replication jobs to start.
To add an additional storage pool for a secondary copy of the data, click Add.
Add Copy Dialog Box
Name: Enter a name for the secondary copy.
Storage: Select a storage location for the secondary copy.
Retention period: Enter the amount of time to retain the secondary copy before deleting it.
Extended Retention rules: To retain this copy beyond the configured retention period, move this toggle key to the right.
Rules: Select the type of backup data to retain (such as weekly fulls or quarterly fulls), and then enter the amount of time to retain the data.
Add: To add additional retention rules, click this button, and then configure the rule.
To edit the storage settings for the primary copy, beside the storage pool, click the Actions button
, and then click Edit.
Edit Backup Destination Dialog Box
Name: Change the name of the primary copy.
Storage: Select a different storage location for the primary copy.
Enable data aging: To turn on data aging for the primary copy, move this toggle key to the right.
Retention period: Enter the amount of time to retain the primary copy before deleting it.
Extended Retention rules: To retain the primary copy beyond the configured retention period, move this toggle key to the right.
Rules: Select the type of backup data to retain (such as weekly fulls or quarterly fulls), and then enter the amount of time to retain the data.
Add: To add additional retention rules, click this button, and then configure the rule.
Test Failover Options
To add another isolated network for the replication group, click Add.
To edit the existing isolated network, beside Network mapping, click Edit.
Network Mapping Dialog Box
Source Network: Select the preconfigured network to use for the recovery target.
VLAN ID: Enter the ID you want to use for the VLAN.
Isolated network: Enter a name for the isolated network.
Gateway settings: To create a VM that acts as a gateway between the local devices in the isolated network and other networks, move this toggle key to the right.
Gateway IP: Enter an IP address for the gateway VM.
Gateway mask: Enter an IP address for the subnet mask.
Advanced Options
These options vary per vendor. For descriptions, see the Auto Recovery Options pages that are linked under Before You Begin.
Customization Scripts
To configure options for pre and post failover and failback scripts, click the Actions button, click Configure, and then choose the script that you want to configure.
Prerequisites and supported scripts vary per vendor. For descriptions, see the Replication Group Options pages that are linked under Before You Begin.
Pre-failover script: This script is run on the production (source) VM before failover.
Post-failover script: This script is run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM after failover.
Pre-failback script: This is will run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM before failback.
Post-failback script: This script is run on the production (source) VM after failback.
Configure Script Dialog Box
Path type: Select UNC or Local.
UNC Credentials: Enter credentials or use a set of saved credentials:
Enter credentials: Select this option to manually enter the user name and password for the UNC network.
Username: Enter the user name for a user account that has permissions to access the network path for the script.
Password: Enter the password for the user account.
Use saved credentials: Select this option to use a set of credentials that were previously saved for the UNC network.
Credentials: Select a saved set of credentials.
Add button
: Click this button and then enter and save a set of credentials.
VM Guest Options
User name: Enter the user name for a user account that has permissions to access the network path for the script.
Password: Enter the password for the user account.
Confirm password: Enter the same password.
Replication Configuration
To add additional VMs to this replication group, click Add virtual machines.
Add Virtual Machines Dialog Box
Search or browse to find then VMs you want to add to the replication group, select the VMs, and then click Add.
To configure settings for an individual VM, click the Actions button
Override replication options: To configure override options for a specific VM, select this option. Override options vary per vendor. For descriptions, see the Auto Recovery Options pages that are linked under Before You Begin.
Configure script: To configure a pre or post failover or failback script, select this option, and then select one of the available script types. Prerequisites and supported scripts vary among vendors. For descriptions, see the Auto Recovery Options pages that are linked under Before You Begin.
Pre-failover script: This script is run on the production (source) VM before failover.
Post-failover script: This script is run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM after failover.
Pre-failback script: This is will run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM before failback.
Post-failback script: This script is run on the production (source) VM after failback.
Delete: To remove a VM from the replication group, select this option.