When monitoring Laptop backups, use the Laptop Backup Health report to help maintain the environment.
The Laptop Backup Health report includes information about all laptops in the environment and indicates whether those applications meet the backup health requirements needed for backup operations. A laptop meets the backup health requirements if the entity was backed up in the last 3 days.
Information in the report includes the number of laptops that are backed up and not backed up. You can use this report to view the backup health status of each laptop in the environment, identify any backup failures, and also determine what caused the failure.
You can use the Laptop Backup Health report to help maintain the environment, as follows:
Go to the Laptop Backup Health report and view data for the number of days defined in the SLA.
Click the number in the Not Backed Up status tile to learn more.
In the Laptops Not Backed Up table, configure a filter to display only laptops that were never backed up.