The database instance and backups with unsuccessful data backup jobs that does not meet SLA. The database cannot be restored only from the log backup jobs.
Column |
Description |
Server |
The name of the server where snapshot backups with no backup copy ran. To view the Servers page on Command Center, click the server. |
Company |
The name of the company that the server is associated with. |
Workload |
The name of the workload. |
Agent |
The type of agent that is installed on the server. |
Instance |
The instance associated with the backup set. |
Backup Set |
The backup set associated with the subclient. |
Subclient |
The name of the subclient where backup with no DB data ran. |
Plan |
The backup plan associated with the server or VM. |
Last successful time |
The date and time when the last backup job ran. |
SLA days |
The number of SLA days configured for the server. |
SLA days level |
The Client group, Plan, or CommCell level where the SLA days is configured. |
Action |
A list of operations that you can perform on the server or VM. Select any of the following:
Category |
The type of missed SLA. |
Server Group |
The server group where the client associated with. |