Options for Conversion to Azure Stack Hub


When you restore a VM from a different hypervisor to Azure Stack Hub, provide Azure Stack Hub values for the restore operation.

Restore options

  • Type: Select Out of place.

  • Restore as: Select Azure Stack.

  • Destination: Select the Azure Stack Hub hypervisor for the converted VM.


    : Static IP addresses from a source VM are not replicated to the destination VM.

  • Access node (Optional): To change the proxy from the default value, select a proxy from the list.

    By default, the restore uses the preferred VSA proxy for the destination hypervisor.

  • If you are restoring multiple VMs, click the All VMs tab in the lower-left area of the page to specify configuration values for all VMs that you are restoring, or the name of each VM to specify values individually. Specify the following values:

    • Enable edit destination VM name (for all VMs): To change the names of all destination VMs, select this option, select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to be appended to the original display name to create new destination VM names.

    • VM display name (for individual VMs): To change the name of an individual VM, enter the new display name in the box.

    • Resource group: To specify the resource group for the restored VM, enter a name in the box.

    • Region: Select the region for the restored VM.

    • Storage account: Select an Azure Standard or Premium general-purpose storage account. You can select a different storage account for each virtual machine and disk.

      The storage accounts listed are only those associated with the selected region for the restored VM.

    • Operating system: Select the operating system for the restored VM.

      Do not use the Auto Select option.

    • VM size: Select a size specification for the restored virtual machine.

    • Disk Type: For managed disks only, select the disk type for the destination VM: Standard HDD, Premium SSD.


      If the size of the destination VM does not support the Premium SSD disk type, the VM is deployed with the Standard HDD disk type.

    • Network settings:

      • Virtual network/subnet: Select the network settings.

      • Preferred private IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, the following appears:

        - Static private IP: Enter the IP address.

    • Create/assign public IP: If this is selected, the Public IP type entry appears.

      • Public IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, the following appears:

        - Static public IP: Enter the IP address.

    • Security group: Specify a network security group for the restored VM or leave the default value of Auto Select.

    • Restore as a managed VM: To create the destination VM as a managed VM in Azure Stack Hub, select the check box.

      When you select this option, the restore operation creates virtual machine disks in the specified storage account, and then converts them to managed disks and attaches the disks to the restored virtual machine.

  • Power on VMs after restore: Start the VM automatically when the restore completes.

  • Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists: Delete an existing virtual machine that has the same name, and replace it with the restored VM.