Other Licenses View in the License Server Usage Report

The Other Licenses view of the License Server Usage Report displays the current number of available and used licenses that were purchased as part of an older licensing structure for CommServe computers in a multi-CommCell environment with a licensing server.


The CommCells table displays each CommServe computer in the environment and indicates whether the CommServe computer is the license server or a child of the license server.



CommCell ID

The ID for the CommServe computer.


The CommServe computer.

License Server

An indication of whether the CommServe computer is the licensing server or a child of the licensing server.

Last Updated Time

The date and time when data was last uploaded to the licensing server.

Registration Code

The unique code assigned to the CommServe computer when the software was registered with Commvault.


The Commvault software version installed on the CommServe computer.

Time Zone

The time zone configured on the CommServe computer.

License Expiration

The date when the license expires.

Last Usage Calculation

The time when license usage was last calculated.

To view the License Server Usage Summary for a Single CommServe Computer, under CommCell Name, click a CommServe computer.

Other Licenses

This table displays the amount of purchased and used licenses from an older licensing structure.



License ID

The ID associated with the license.


The license type. To view detailed information about a license, click the license. License types that appear in this table include the following:

  • Application Class Virtual

  • Archived VMs

  • eDiscovery Users

  • Protected Virtual Instances

  • Sharing Users

  • Virtual Instances

Available Total

The amount of space or number of entities available for use.

Permanent Purchased

The amount of space or number of entities covered by a permanent license.

Evaluation Purchased

The amount of space or number of entities covered by an evaluation or subscription license.


The amount of space or number of entities currently used.
