Restoring the Minimal Operating System (OS) for an IBM i File System Agent Client

Restore the minimal operating system from the DVD images.


  1. Perform an Initial Program Load (IPL) or activate the Logical Partition (LPAR) by using MANUAL-D.

  2. Install the Licensed Internal Code (LIC). On the Install Licensed Internal Code screen, select 1 to install the code and then press Enter.

    Note: When you press Enter to log your selection, a message similar to the one below may appear. If this message appears, do not touch the keyboard.

    "Wait for next display or press F16 for DST main menu."


    Install Licensed Internal Code System:


    Select one of the following:

    1. Install Licensed Internal Code

    2. Work with Dedicated Service Tools (DST)

    3. Define alternate installation device



    Licensed Internal Code - Property of IBM 5769-999 Licensed Internal Code (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1980, 1998. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

    Tape unit available

  3. Install the Licensed Internal Code (LIC) and initialize the system. On the Install Licensed Internal Code screen, select 2 to install the code and initialize the system and then press Enter.


    Install Licensed Internal Code System:


    Disk selected to write the Licensed Internal Code to:

    Serial number Type Model I/O Bus Controller Device

    00-0F05072 6606 030 0 1 0

    Select one of the following:

    1. Restore Licensed Internal Code

    2. Install Licensed Internal Code and Initialize system

    3. Install Licensed Internal Code and Recover Configuration

    4. Install Licensed Internal Code and Restore Disk Unit Data

    5. Install Licensed Internal Code and Upgrade Load Source



    F3=Exit F12=Cancel

  4. Confirm the install and initialization. On the Install LIC an Initialise System - Confirmation screen, press F10.


    Install LIC an Initialise System - Confirmation


    All data on this system will be destroyed and the Licensed

    Internal Code will be written to the selected disk if you

    choose to continue the initialize and install.

    Return to the install selection screen and choose one of the

    other options if you want to perform some type of

    recovery after the install of the license internal code is complete.

    Press F10 to continue the install.

    Press F12 (cancel) to return to the previous screen.

    Press F3 (exit) to return to the install selection screen.

    F3=Exit F10=Continue F12=Cancel

  5. Wait for the status screens to complete. The Initialize the Disk - Status screen displays followed by the Install Licensed Internal Code - Status screen. You do not need to press anything on these screens.

  6. Accept the warnings on the report . Press F10 on the Disk Configuration Problem Report screen.

  7. Perform the Initial Program Load (IPL). The system is ready for Direct Access System Device Storage (DASD). On the IPL or Install the System screen, select 2 to install the operating system and initialize the system and then press Enter.

  8. Confirm your selection of the operating system installation, press Enter.

  9. To use English as the language, on the Select a Language Group screen, enter 2924 and then press Enter.

  10. Select the DASD option.

    • If you have completed the DASD configuration, select the Keep the current disk configuration option (1).

    • If you need to configure DASD, select one of the following:

      Add all disk units to the system auxiliary pool

      Select this option to add all of the non-configured disk units to the system auxiliary pool (ASP 1). Use this option when the system ASP has a few units and you have many non-configured units. All data stored on the units that are added will be deleted before adding units to the system.

      Note: This option will not balance data in the system ASP.

      A series of screens display the status and any problems. If you see a problem screen, press F10. The process is complete when the "IPL step......................: Start the operating system" message appears.

      Add all disks to the system ASP and balance data

      This option adds all the non-configured disk units to the system ASP and then balances the data in the system ASP Use this option when there a few non-configured disk units, or when the system ASP contains many disk units. All data stored on the added units are deleted before they are added to the system ASP.

      Note: You may have to wait for a few minutes with this option.

      A series of screens display the status and any problems. If you see a problem screen, press F10. The process is complete when the "IPL step......................: Start the operating system" message appears.

  11. Change the install options. On the Install the Operating System screen select 2 to make updates.

    • Enter the date and time.


      Install the Operating System

      Type options, press Enter.


      option . . . . . 1=Take defaults (No other

      options are displayed)

      2=Change install options


      Year . . . . . . 00-99

      Month . . . . . 01-12

      Day.............. 00-31

    • Press Enter.

      The AS/400 front panel changes to NORMAL.

      A status screen displays. There is no action required.

  12. Choose the restore options. On the Specify Install Options screen:

    1. To restore the program and language options from the backup, select 1 for the Restore option.

    2. To clear the job queue, select 1 for the Job and output queues option.

    3. To distribute the operating system, select 1 for the Distribute Operating System On available disk units option.

    4. Verify that all options are 1 and then press Enter.

      A status screen appears. The status updates as the operating system restores.


      Specify Install Options

      Restore option . . . . . . . 1=Restore programs and language objects

      from the current media set

      2=Do not restore programs or

      language options

      3=Restore only language objects

      from current media set

      4=Restore only language objects

      from a different media set using the

      current install device

      Job and Output

      queues option . . . . . . . 1=Clear, 2=Keep

      Distribute Operating System

      On available disk units. . 1 1=Yes, 2=N0

  13. Verify the restore options. On the Specify Restore Options screen, verify all entries are set to 1 and then press Enter.


    Specify Restore Options

    Type options, Press Enter.

    Restore from the installation media:

    System information . . . . 1=Restore, 2=Do not restore

    Edit descriptions . . . . 1=Restore, 2=Do not restore

    Message reply list . . . . 1=Restore, 2=Do not restore

    Job descriptions . . . . . 1=Restore, 3=Keep customization

    Subsystem descriptions . . 1=Restore, 3=Keep customization

  14. Sign in to the system. On the SIGN ON screen, enter QSECOFR and then press Enter.

    You do not need to enter a password.



    System . . . . . : XXXXXXXX

    Subsystem . . . . : QXXXXX

    Display . . . . . : QCONSOLE

    User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Program/procedure . . . . . . . .

    Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Current Library . . . . . . . . .



    (C) COPYWRITE IBM CORP. 1989, 1999.

  15. Set the system options. On the IPL Options screen, set the following options:

    • Set the date and time.

    • Set the Set Major System Options option to Y.

    • Set the Start system to restricted state option to Y.

    • Set the Define or Change System at IPL option to Y.

    • Press Enter.


    IPL Options

    Type choices, press Enter.

    System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/_/_ MM / DD / YY

    System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ : __ : __ HH : MM : SS

    Clear job queues . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No

    Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No

    Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No

    Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No

    Start system to restricted state . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No

    Set major system options . . . . . . . . Y=Yes, N=No

    Define or change system at IPL . . . . . Y=Yes, N=No

    Last power-down operation was ABNORMAL

  16. Set the automatic configuration. On the Set Major System Options screen, set the values as defined in the table:



    Enable automatic configuration


    Device configuration naming


    Default special environment



    Set Major System Options

    Type choices, press Enter.

    Enable automatic configuration . . . . .Y Y=Yes, N=No

    Device configuration naming . . . . . . *NORMAL *NORMAL, *S36 *DEVADR

    Default special environment . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *S36

  17. Set the system values. On the Define or Change the System at IPL screen, select 3 and then press Enter.


    Define or Change the System at IPL

    System: ABCXYZ

    Select one of the following:

    1. Configuration commands

    2. Change user profile

    3. System value commands

    4. Network attribute commands

    5. General object commands

    6. Work with shared pools

    7. Change IPL attributes


    F3=Exit and continue IPL

    Record the values and then press F3.

    System Value

    Current Setting

    New Setting












    30 (minimum, 64 recommended)















  18. Set the network values. On the Define or Change the System at IPL screen, set the Local control point name and Default local location to match your configuration and then press Enter.

    A message appears indicating the network attributes have changes. Press F12 and then F3. Wait for the Sign On information screen to appear.

  19. Change the QSECOFR password. On the SIGN ON screen, enter QSECOFR and then press Enter.



    System . . . . . : XXXXXXXX

    Password has expired. Password must be changed to continue sign-on request.

    Press Enter to change your password.

    F3=Exit sign-on request

The basic operating system is recovered.
