Web Service Routing


In multi-CommCell environments, each CommCell environment has a different URL for web-based interfaces (such as the Command Center and Web Console). For easy access and tracking, you can configure one URL of a primary CommCell to be the single entry point for users to access their web services.

With web service routing, users can use the URL of the primary CommCell to automatically redirect to their respective CommCells. The URL of the Primary CommCell becomes the single-entry point for users to access their web services.

For example, if you have three CommCell environments, with the routing feature, you can designate one CommCell as the primary CommCell to provide the entry point for users to access their web interfaces. Users from the other two CommCell environments can use ethe ntry point URL of either the Web Console or the Command Center, enter their credentials, and then be redirected to the web interface for the CommCell environment to which they belong. If a user exists in more than one CommCell environment, then the user can choose which CommCell environment they want to access.