Activating the Metrics Reporting Server for Licensing Limit for Tenants


For the Metrics Reporting Server to collect client computer group backup limit data from each CommCell environment, you must configure data collection for each of your CommCell environments.

Before You Begin

  1. Install the Metrics Reporting Server.

  2. Obtain the download and upload URLs for the Metrics Report Server:

    1. On the computer that hosts the Metrics Reporting Server, open the CommCell Console.

    2. Go to Control Panel > Private Metrics Reporting > General, and copy the URLs from the Metrics server URL boxes.

      For example:

      Where metricsserver1 is the name of your organization's Private Metrics Reporting Server. You must include the forward slash (/) at the end of the URL. Otherwise, the URL link does not work.

About This Task

Caution: The Metrics Reporting Server must be at the same software version or later than a CommServe computer that uploads data to the Metrics Reporting Server. For example, you cannot enable a V11 CommServe computer to upload report data to a V10 Metrics Reporting Server.


  1. On the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Control Panel.

  2. Under Monitoring, click Private Metrics Reporting.

    The Private Metrics Reporting dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, select the CommCell Diagnostics and Usage check box.

  4. Select the Activity check box.

  5. If the Download URL box is blank, enter the download URL for the Metrics Reporting Server.

  6. If the Upload URL box is blank, enter the upload URL for the Metrics Reporting Server.

  7. On the Configuration tab, configure client computer group and data collection settings:

    • To collect data for all client computer groups, click All Client Groups.

    • To collect data for specific client computer groups, from the Available Client Groups list, select the client computer groups, and then add them to the Included Client Groups list.

    • To set a time for data collection, select the Data Collection Time check box and enter a time.

      Data collection begins within an hour after the specified time.

    • To set how often data is uploaded to the Metrics Reporting Server, in the Upload Frequency box, enter the number of days between uploads.

      The minimum frequency is one day.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat these steps in each CommCell environment you want to monitor.