Add Storage Pool

Use this dialog box to add a new storage pool.

Pool Name

Name of the pool.

Enable Dedupe Metadata

Select this option if this pool needs to maintain its own metadata. ( If cleared, the master disk from the Default pool will be used.)

Deduplication tables need to be stored on disk. Each pool (including the default) would have a master disk. The master disk is the first disk configured for that pool. A pool can maintain deduplication tables in its own master disk or on the master disk of the Default pool. If this option is selected when creating a pool, the pool will maintain its own deduplication tables. If a pool depends on the Default pool for the data deduplication tables then the Default pool needs to have a disk configured first.

There is a limit on the number of pools which can maintain their own deduplication tables. By default the maximum number of pools which can maintain the deduplication metadata is one The preferred approach is to configure a disk in the Default pool. The Default pool can then be used to maintain the deduplication tables for all other storage pools.

Enable Deduplication

Select this option to enable deduplication on the cartridges associated with the pool. (Deduplication is enabled by default.)

Pools have a significant impact on deduplication ratio. For example, lets assume two cartridges, V1 and V2, are configured in the system. V1 however belongs to Pool A and V2 belongs to Pool B. Even if V1 receives data which is identical to that on cartridge V2, the data cannot be deduplicated as V1 and V2 belong to different pools.

iSeries Backup

Select this option to define Storage Pool property for backups by IBM iSeries hosts. This will ensure that the deduplication metadata required for IBM iSeries hosts is accurately generated.

Enable Verify

Select this option to enable byte-per-byte verification of possible duplicate data.


Select this option to enable WORM (Write Once Read Only) property on all cartridges from this pool.
