Adding a File Server Asset to an Inventory


You can add a file server asset to an existing inventory in Inventory Manager.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Data Insights.

    The Data Insights page appears.

  2. Under Settings, click Inventory manager.

    The Inventory manager page appears.

  3. In the Inventory Manager list, in the inventory row, click the Actions button action_button, and then click Details.

    The inventory properties page appears.

  4. On the Assets tab, click Add asset > File server.

    The Add file server dialog box appears.

  5. In Display name, enter the machine name of the server. Do not include the domain in the server name.

  6. In Domain name, enter the domain to which the server belongs.

  7. In IP address, enter the IP address of the server.

  8. From the OS Type list, select the operating system of the server.

  9. From the Country list, select the country where the server is located.

  10. Click Save.

    The file server is added to the inventory.

Creating an Inventory in Inventory Manager