Blackout Window


By default, all operations in the CommCell will run for 24 hours without restriction. However, it may be necessary to prevent operations from running during certain time periods of the day. To accomplish this, you can define blackout window operation rules which disable certain operations from running during the time period you specify. This ensures that unexpected, time consuming operations do not disrupt the availability of network bandwidth, data, or storage resources when they are most needed.

When blackout window operation rules are configured, operations that are started within the time window specified will go to a queued (as opposed to pending) state. After the time window specified in the blackout window operation rule has elapsed, these queued operations resume automatically. The window rules are applicable only to the new operations that start after the time window.

Blackout window operation rules can be defined using the Blackout Window at the following levels in the CommCell environment:

  • CommServe

  • Client Computer Group

  • Client

  • Agent

  • Backup Set

  • Subclient

  • MediaAgent

  • Schedule Policy

Time Zone Handling

If the time zone of a client differs from the time zone of the CommServe, then the time zone of the client is honored unless the blackout window operation rule is set at the CommServe level. If the blackout window is set at the CommServe level, the time zone of the CommServe level is honored.

For auxiliary copy operations, if a blackout window is set at the schedule policy level, the following behavior occurs:

  • If scalable resource allocation is enabled, the MediaAgent time zone is honored.

  • If scalable resource allocation is disabled, the CommServe time zone is honored.

Calendar Months

The blackout window operates on calendar months. For example, the calendar month July 2020 has the following characteristics:

  • The first week of the month starts on Wednesday, July 1.

  • The first Monday of the month is July 6.

  • The month has five Thursdays: July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23, and July 30.