Changing the CommServe Name for Clients After CommCell Migration


During a CommCell Migration, the clients and MediaAgents are moved from one CommCell to another. After the migration, you must update all clients and MediaAgents with the new CommServe name. For more information on migrating CommCell components, see CommCell Migration.


  1. On the new CommCell, click Control Panel on the ribbon of the CommCell Console.

  2. In the Control Panel window, under Maintenance, click Name Management.

    The Name Management Wizard appears.

  3. Select Update CommServe for Clients (use this option post migration) and click Next.

  4. Select the old CommServe hostname from which you wish to migrate the clients to the current CommServe, and click Next.

  5. Select the clients from the Available list and click > to add them to Selected list, and click Next.

  6. Select the following options in the Select Client Configuration wizard:

    Under Source Options:

    1. By default, the Try to contact Source CommServe check box is selected to access the client information from the source CommServe.

      Note: If you do not want the migrated client to contact the source CommServe, clear the Try to contact Source CommServe check box. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

    2. If you want to deconfigure the migrated clients and delete the data paths (mount paths) associated with the MediaAgent clients, select Deconfigure the migrated clients on source and remove datapaths.

    3. Select Do not deconfigure migrated clients on source, only disable client activity and datapaths to not configure the migrated clients but:

      • Disables all client activities (such as backups/subclient creation so on).

      • If the client is MediaAgent then disable write operation on the data paths (mount paths).

      Note that this will not deconfigure the migrated client. You can still perform restore operations from these clients.

    Under Destination Options:

    1. By default, Consume Licenses check box is selected to consume the license for the migrated clients on the destination CommCell.

    2. Select Only proceed if licenses are available for clients to be migrated to consume licenses for the migrated clients if you have sufficient licenses on the destination CommCell.

    3. Select Consume available licenses, migrate the rest as restore-only clients, if you have a few licenses available on the destination CommCell and you wish to consume those licenses for those migrated clients and for rest of the clients you wish to register as uninstalled clients.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes to register the CommServe.

    Note: If you have migrated the client from a CommCell of different version, click No to skip the registration of CommServe.

  9. In the Register remote CommCell dialog box, provide the credentials and hostname of the source CommCell. Click OK.

  10. From the Storage Policy list, select the storage policy that you want to store the client backup data. To assign a storage policy for all subclients, from the Change all selected Storage Policies to list, select the Storage Policy and then click Apply.

  11. Click Finish.

  12. Click OK to the Confirmation popup, and then close the Control Panel window.

    The client appears as configured under the Client Computers node if Consume licenses is selected.

    The client appears as uninstalled under the Client Computers node if Consume licenses is not selected.

  13. If you did not select Try to contact Source CommServe, run the script ChangeCSHostNameAfterMigration QScript on the PodCell for all of the selected clients.

  14. To update status information from the client to the CommServe whenever services are restarted on the client computer, create the bSendUpdateStatusToCS additional setting with value 1 on the client. For instructions on adding the additional setting, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings.

  15. Restart the services on the client and the CommServe after the name change. For more information, see Restarting a Service.

What to Do Next